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Global success unit 9: CITIES OF THE WORRLD


Question 1: Write the following words in the correct column. 

hour                                          nose

flower                                        cold

tower                                         boat

old                                            around 

low                                           our 

Giải SBT tiếng anh 6 Global success unit 9: Pronunciation


Column 1: nose, cold, boat, old, low

Column 2: hour, flower, tower, around, our.

Question 2: Read aloud the short poets. Pay attention to the underlined words. 

In November it's very cold. The temperature is usually low. There are no flowers anywhere to see. Only white snow falling everywhere. Don't play outdoor without warm clothes. Or you'll catch a serious cold with a runny nose.

Vocabulary & Grammar

Question 1: Match the cities and the countries. 

Giải SBT tiếng anh 6 Global success unit 9: Vocabulary & Grammar


Giải SBT tiếng anh 6 Global success unit 9: Vocabulary & Grammar

Question 2: Put these adjectives into the positive or negative box. 

exciting                   noisy                    delicious                    helpful                    ancient                   

stormy                    boring                   rainy                          peaceful                   hot 

expensive                    friendly 


  • Positive: exciting, delicious, helpful, peaceful, friendly

  • Negative: ancient, stormy, boring,  rainy, hot, expensive

Question 3: Complete the sentences with the words / phrases in the box. 

city                   festivals                   night markets                  street food                         

visit                   people                    buildings                         landmarks 

1. Rio de Janeiro is an exciting city with a lot of ______

2. My sister likes the tall and modern _____ of Newyork, but I don't.

3. Kyoto is an ancient ______ in Japan.

4. Ho Chi Minh City is famous for its _______.It's so delicious! 

5. - "Could you name some ________ in Paris?"

- "Sure. The Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame Cathedral."

6. A quick way to ______ a big city is taking a hop-on hop-off bus. It takes you to most places of interest.

7. Most big cities in Viet Nam has ______ There you can buy souvenirs and eat local food.

8. I love the _______ of Manila. They're friendly and helpful. 


1. festivals                  2. buildings                  3. city                        4. food

5. landmarks              6. visit                          7. night markets        8. people

Question 4: Write sentences with what and so, using the ideas given.

Example: cute baby —> What a cute baby!/ The baby is so cute! 

1. cozy house —>

2. good news —>

3. delicious food —> 

4. wonderful weather —>   

5. quiet town —> 

6. tall building —> 

7. beautiful statue —> 

8. big river —>   

9. expensive city —>   

10. friendly people —> 


1. cozy house —> What a cozy house! This house is so cozy!

2. good news —> What good news!/ This new is so good.

3. delicious food —> What delicious food!/ This food is so delicious.

4. wonderful weather —> What wonderful weather!/ The weather is so wonderful.

5. quiet town —> What a quiet town/ This town is so quiet.

6. tall building —> What a tall building/ This building is so tall.

7. beautiful statue —> What a beautiful statue! This statue is so beautiful

8. big river —> What a big river! This river is so big.

9. expensive city —> What an expensive city!/ This city is so expensive

10. friendly people —> What friendly people!/ The people are so friendly.

Question 5: Complete the passage with the possessive adjectives below. 

my (x2)                   his                    her                    our                    its                    their (x2) 

We live in a small house in Hoi An. (1) _____ house is number 14 There's a big tree in front of it. I can touch some of (2)____ branches from the window of (3) ____room. In spring, new leaves come out, and I love (4)_____ green color. They look so beautiful in the sun. My sister and (5)_____ friends often sit under the tree and play (6) _____ favorite games. I sometimes join them, but I don't play. I sit on the swing that (7)_____ father made. He's a carpenter, and he loves (8)_____ job. 


1. my                 2. their               3. my                 4. its

5. her                6. their               7. our                 8. his   

Question 6: Replace the underlined parts of the sentences with suitable possessive pronouns and write them in the space provided. 

Giải SBT tiếng anh 6 Global success unit 9: Vocabulary & Grammar


Giải SBT tiếng anh 6 Global success unit 9: Vocabulary & Grammar


Question 1: Describe the place where you live (a city / a town / a village...). Use 3-5 adjectives. Give reasons.

Example: quiet beautiful, nice —> The town where I live is quiet. (There are not many people, and there's not much traffic.)

It's beautiful, too. (I like the small little houses and the lake.)

I think it's a very nice town. (The weather is good, and the people are friendly.)


My hometown is a small village. It's very beautiful and really quiet. The air gives us a feeling of refreshment. And all of my neighborhood is humorous and friendly.


Question 2: Do you ever do these things? Pick one you have done and tell your friends about the experience in 3-4 sentences. 

- visit an old town

- take a hop-on hop-off bus

- visit a night market 

- eat street food

- spend a holiday in a city 

Example: Last week my family went to Sa Pa. It's in an old town in the mountains. It's beautiful and cool. I like the people there because they're friendly. 

Answer: Last week, I was taken back to my hometown by my parents. My hometown has Sam Son beach. I swam with my brother. At dinner, my whole family ate seafood. The weekend was very fun and memorable.

Question 3: Look at the picture and form exclamations with What. You may use the suggestions. Then share them with your friends.

- crowded / city

- high / tower

- beautiful / weather

- modern / buildings

- green / trees 


- What a crowded city!

- What a high tower!

- What beautiful weather!

- What modern buildings!

- What green trees!


Question 1: a. Complete the passage with the words in the box.

swimming                 exciting                tourists                 seafood                 enjoy                 famous

Nha Trang is a (1) _____  seaside city in central Viet Nam. It attracts a lot of (2) _____ from many countries because it has beautiful beaches and an (3)_____ atmosphere of a young, growing city. Coming to Nha Trang from January to August, you can (4)_____ wonderful weather: warm and sunny. It is so good for (5) _____and sunbathing. Visitors can rent a bike and cycle around the city. Nha Trang is also well-known for Its delicious (6) _____

b. Read the passage again. Underline the wrong information in each sentence and correct it. 

1. Visitors to Nha Trang come from Viet Nam only.

Corrected: ______________________________

2. Nha Trang is an ancient city.

Corrected: ______________________________

3. In Nha Trang, the weather is wonderful from August to January.

Corrected: ______________________________

4. Visitors can rent a car and tour the city.

Corrected: ______________________________


a. 1. famous                         2. tourists                        3. exciting               

 4. enjoy                           5. swimming                    6. seafood


1. Visitors to Nha Trang come from many countries.

2. Nha Trang is a famous seaside city.

3. In Nha Trang, the weather is wonderful from January to August.

4. Visitors can rent a bike and cycle around the city

Question 2: Read the text and choose the best answer A, B, or C. 


Leicester Square is the cinema center of London. The Odeon, a famous cinema, Is on the east side of the Square. It can hold 1,683 people. The Empire, on the north side of the Square, is also a big cinema with 1,330 scats. The Prince Charles sells tickets much cheaper than other cinemas. This cinema often shows films a few weeks later than other cinemas. If you want to save some money, this is the place for you. Leicester Square is also the place where people wait (often out in the cold) with the hope to see film stars like Tom Cruise, Julia Roberts or Brad Pitt. They might step out of their limousines to attend the first night of their new movie. Watch out for the screaming fans! 

1. Leicester Square is famous for its _________

A. shopping area

B. cinemas


C. museums

2. The Prince Charles shows films _________

A. earlier than other cinemas 

B. at the same time as other cinemas

C. later than other cinemas

3. The stars come to Leicester Square to _________

A. eat in restaurants

B. talk to their fans

C. attend the opening night of their films



1. B                        2. C                            3. C

Question 3: Read the text again and write A, B, or C in the appropriate blanks. 

Giải SBT tiếng anh 6 Global success unit 9: Reading


Giải SBT tiếng anh 6 Global success unit 9: Reading


Question 1: Rearrange the words/phrases to have complete sentences of a postcard. 

Dear Ann,

1. We're / time / great / here / having / a / in Cambodia / !

2. The / lovely / weather / is / .

3. The / good / is / food / .

4. local / friendly /The / are / people / .

5. Yesterday / we / Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom / visited / .

6. fabulous /They're / so / !

7. Send / to your mum and dad / our love / .

With love, Ha and Phong 


1. We’re having a great time here in Cambodia!

2. The weather has been lovely.

3. The food is good.

4. The local people are friendly.

5. We’ve visited Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom.

6. They’re so fabulous!

7. Send our love to Mum and Dad.

Question 2: Use the information in 1 to answer the following questions in complete sentences. 

1. Where are Ha and Phong? 

2. Do they like the weather and the food? Why? 

3. What do Ha and Phong think about the local people? 

4. What place did Ha and Phong visit yesterday? 

5. How do they feel about it/them? 


1. Ha and Phong are in Cambodia.

2. Yes, because the weather has been lovely and the food is good.

3. The local people are friendly.

4. Yesterday, they ’ve visited Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom.

5. They’re so fabulous!

Question 3: Complete the postcard. 

Giải SBT tiếng anh 6 Global success unit 9: Writing


1. having                              2. sun                              3. yellow

4. eat                                   5. go                                6. Wish

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