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Uni 9: Cities of the world – Bài tập Tiếng Anh 6


I. Put the words in the correct column according to the pronunciation of the underlined part.

II. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.

  1. A. delicious         B. like                        C. nice                                    D. like
  2. A. postcard         B. home                    C. so                                       D. come
  3. A. show               B. money                   C. robot                                  D. motor
  4. A. find                B. design                     C. typical                               D. write
  5. A. wish               B. high                        C. price                                  D. mind


I. Fill in the tables with the appropriate words or phrases in the box.

CitiesCountryContinentPlaces of interest
New York 
Rio de Janeiro 

II. Give the opposite of the adjectives, and then fill the superlatives of the opposites into the blanks.

  1. Sydney has  _____beaches in the world.
  2. Big Ben is             bell ever made in England.
  3. Sahara Desert is                         desert in the world.
  4. Beijing is ______city in China. Smoke from factories causes thick, gray smog in the atmosphere.
  5. The playwright William Shakespeare is ______British writer in the world.
  6. Oxford University is  ______university in Britain.
  7. Melbourne in Australia is considered the world’s _____city to live in.
  8. London is  ______city in the world. The prices are very high there.

III.      Tyler’s friend, Mary, lives in San Francisco now. Complete the sentences about her new neighbourhood.

Dear Tyler,

San Francisco is great, but it’s really noisy. My neighbourhood isn’t noisy -it’s nice and very (1)                  Across the street is a park. Next to my apartment is a big small with a lot of (2)                          .Behind the mall is a small store with cool things.

My school is really nice. It’s very old. But inside, the computers, desks and classrooms are (3)                    

I’m really happy in San Francisco. But sometimes I’m (4)                           – I miss my friends a lot.

Write soon!


IV. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the present perfect.

  1. The longest book I ______ is The Lord of the Rings.
  2. She ______ the USA three times. Her aunt lives there.
  3. I _____that film. Is it good?
  4. I _____lots of photos with my camera.
  5. They _____German before. This is their first year.
  6. My team _____ten matches this year.

V. Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Perfect tense.

  1. Peter and his brother (learn) ____English for three years.
  2. Mr. Green (play) ____chess since eight o’clock.
  3. It (not rain) ____since last week.
  4. We (not see) _____our new teacher yet.
  5. I (study) ____very hard for this examination.
  6. My uncle (work) ____in this factory for ten years.
  7. She (see) ____this film before.
  8. The weather (be) ____quite good since Christmas.
  9. I (have) ____this bike since I was a teenager, and I still use it.
  10. He (play) ____for the football club for several years, but it’s time to leave it now.

V. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct verb tense.

  1. Be careful! The teacher (look)             at you.
  2. The boy (learn) ____for three years, but he can’t understand this letter.
  3. How long (you/know) ____Paul?

– I (know)                                     him for five years.

  1. (she/feed) ____the cat yet?
  2. We (not see) ____Lan since we (be)                            on holiday last summer.
  3. (she/finish) ___her homework yet?
  4. (your dog/ever bite) _______anyone?

– Yes, he (bite)                            the postman last month.

  1. Would you like some coffee? I (just/ make) ______some.
  2. (you/ ever be) ______________to Ha Noi?
  3. Our school performance (start) _______late last Sunday because of the heavy rain.

VII.     Read the passage and find the superlative form of these adjectives.

  1. cold the coldest 2. bad ________________
  2. low _______________ 4. wet ________________
  3. dry _______________ 6. difficult ____________

Antarctica is the coldest place in the world and it has the worst weather. The lowest temperature on record is -890C. Antarctica is also the wettest and the driest place in the world. How is this possible? It’s the wettest place because 70 per cent of the world’s fresh water is in Antarctica and 90 per cent of the world’s ice. And it’s the driest because in one place, the Dry Valleys, it never rains or snows. The Dry Valleys is the most difficult place in the world for plants and animals – nothing can live or grow there.

VIII.   Write sentences using comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives.

Example: Nancy/ old/ Mary, but Sarah …

                  Nancy is older than Mary, but Sarah is the oldest.

  1. France/ hot/ Britain, but Spain …


  1. Harry/ intelligent/ Paul, but Robert …


  1. Magazines/ cheap/ books, but newspapers …


  1. History/ interesting/ science, but music …


  1. Kate/ friendly/ Steve, but Wendy …


IX. Complete the text with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets.

One of the (1. nice)              cities I know is Olomouc in the Czech Republic. The (2. good)                      thing about the city is that there aren’t many tourists. The (3. busy)                          times are when people go to work and come home gain. The (4. famous)                                 place in the Czech Republic is Prague. It is the (5. big)                               city and it is where most people go to. Olomouc is one of the (6. difficult)                    places to get to from Prague so people visit other towns and cities nearer to Prague. That’s why it’s one of the (7. quiet)                                   cities in the country. What’s the (8. bad)                         thing about it? It’s one of the (9. expensive)                                           cities in the country.


I.Complete the following short exchanges with the correct verb tense. Then practise them with your partner.

  1. A: Have you ever (try) spaghetti yet?

      B: No, I                             , but I’d like to.

  1. A: Have you ever (eat) at a Japanese restaurant?

      B: Yes, I                           . The food was delicious.

  1. A: Have you ever (see) a real tiger? 

      B: Yes, I                           . I (see)                       one at the zoo last month.

  1. A: Have you ever (be) to a picnic at the beach?

      B: Yes, I                           . It was fun.

  1. A: (you/ have) breakfast this morning?

      B: Yes, I                           . I (eat)                        bread and eggs.

II.What have you done today? Tick or cross the activities in the table.

Example: “Have you taken a bus today?”- “Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t.”

III.Work with a partner. Ask and answer the questions.


      A: Have you met a famous person?

      B: Yes, I have. I’ve met……..

  1.  watch/ a volleyball match?


  1. win/ a competition?


  1. see/ a play?


  1. see/ an action film?


  1. eat/Chinese food?


  1. meet/ a famous person?


IV. Write questions, using the superlative form of the adjectives. Then give your opinion, and practise the conversations with your partners.

Example:       What/ beautiful/ place in the world?

                  What is the most beautiful place in the world?

                  I think … … is the most beautiful place in the world.

  1. Who/ intelligent/ person in your family?



2. What popular/ food in our country?



3. Who/ famous/ actor in our country? _____________________________________________________________________ 


4. What/ important/ school subject?

____________________________________________________________________     ____________________________________________________________________     

5. What/ boring/ sport?




I. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D for each of the gaps to complete the following text.

      Tokyo, the capital of Japan, is a big city. The city is filled with factories, large office buildings. banks, restaurants, and shops of all sizes. It is a (1)     for Japanese art, and is home to more than 100 colleges and universities. The city is (2)       an important seaport. Most Japanese companies have (3)       main offices in Tokyo. At the heart of Tokyo is the Imperial Palace. This is the place (4)                    the Emperor of Japan lives with his family.Tokyo is one of the world’s biggest and most crowded (5)                    .

  1. A. house       B. city                                C. center                                D. capital
  2. A. and           B. also                               C. but                                     D. so
  3. A. its              B. their                              C. theirs                                 D. some
  4. A. what         B. where                           C. which                                D. for
  5. A. city           B. a city                             C. cities                                  D. the cities

II. Read the passage, and then choose the correct answers.

      San Francisco, a very hilly city, is in the San Francisco Bay. Although there are many modern skyscrapers in the city centre, houses in the suburbs are in the styles of the 19th century.

      The celebration of the Chinese New Year in San Francisco’s Chinatown is one thing that you should not miss.

      You can find the best food from around the world: Brazilian, Indian, Japanese, Korean, Mexican, Russian, Thai, Chinese and much more. Don’t forget to visit a jazz club or an outdoor coffee shop to enjoy good coffee and fresh air. You should visit Mission Dolores, an old church built by the Spanish in the 18th century.

  1. Which of the following sentences is true about San Francisco?

A. San Francisco is not a very hilly city.

B. San Francisco is not in the San Francisco Bay.

C. San Francisco has only old houses.

D. San Francisco is a city with modern skyscrapers in the city centre.

2. What is second paragraph about?

A. nightlife        B. festivals                      C. scenery                       D. architecture

3. Where can we have coffee and enjoy fresh air?

A. Chinatown    B. Old houses                  C. Churches                    D. Outdoor coffee shops

4. Which of the following sentences is NOT true about San Francisco?

      A.San Francisco is in the San Francisco Bay.

      B.The celebration of the Chinese New Year in San Francisco’s Chinatown is very interesting.

C. You can only enjoy American and Chinese food in San Francisco.

D. You should enjoy jazz at a jazz club in San Francisco.

5. By whom was Mission Dolores built in the 18th century?

A. By people from Germany. B. By people from Spain. 

C. By people from Brazil. D. By people from Europe.

III.Read the articles about the favourite Saturday activity of some students, and then answer the questions.

A.Carlos – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

      Go to Ipanema Beach. Play volleyball or go swimming in the Atlantic Ocean. Look at the people. Everybody is happy. It’s my favourite place.

B.Michiko – Tokyo, Japan.

      Go to a department store in Shibuya. Shibuya is a great shopping area in Tokyo. Sometimes it’s very crowded, but that’s OK -I love shopping.

C.Lise – Paris, France.

      Go to the Eiffel Tower. It’s really tall. Look at the river and the beautiful buildings. The view of Paris is great.

D.Jason – New York City, USA.

      Go to the skating rink in Central Park. Look at the ice-skaters. They’re good! Or, go skating. It’s really fun.

  1. Is Shibuya in Paris? ________________
  2. Are the ice-skaters in Central Park good? ________________
  3. What is the name of Carlos’s favourite place? ______________
  4. Is Michiko a shopping fan? ________________
  5. Where is Carlos from? ________________
  6. Is the Eiffel Tower in France? ________________
  7. Is Central Park in Tokyo? ________________

IV. Read the texts below and match them to the correct city and the state, writing the answer (A-D) in each blank.

A. New York, New York State     B. St. Louis, Missouri

C. Pasadena, California               D. Huntsville, Alabama

____ 1. Hi. How’s it going? My name’s Joe. Ilive in Missouri. The Gateway Arch is in my state. It’s 200 metres high. You can get an elevator to the top. It’s amazing.

____ 2. Hi, I’m Sarah. My favourite landmark is 443.5 metres high. It has 73 elevators and 6,500 windows. There is a fantastic view of the city from the top floor. Can you guess what it is? It’s the Empire State Building, of course.

____ 3. Hi, my name’s Tania and I want to be an astronaut. I’m from Alabama so I often visit the Space and Rocket Centre here. My favourite landmark is the Apollo 11 Launch Vehicle. In 1969, Neil Armstrong travelled to the moon in Apollo 11.

____ 4. Hi, my name’s Mark. I’m a big football fan from California. My favourite landmark is the Pasadena Rose Bowl. Every year, they hold college football games here.

V.Read the postcard and answer the questions.

      Dear Jack,

      Hi from New York! We got there after five-hour delay because we missed our flight in Washington. It is very cold, but we are doing a lot of sightseeing so that helps! Sometimes I’d prefer to stay in my hotel room, but you can’t come to New York and stay inside! There’s a little Italian place next to the hotel. We go there every morning for breakfast. Mum has a double espresso and a piece of cake and my dad has a full American breakfast. Ugggh! Far too much for me. I just have coffee!

      New York is wonderful – really! I love the skyscrapers!

      Hope you are well.


  1. Why did Tom get to New York five hours late?


  1. What is the weather like?


  1. Where do they have breakfast?


  1. What does Tom have for breakfast?


  1. What does Tom like about New York?


VI. Match each text to the correct postcard.

A. Come to Scotland

B. A trip to London

C. Normandy, France

Œ  Hi, Maria,

      We’re having a great time. The weather here isn’t nice, but the rest is really great. Tomorrow we’re going to have a party with the boys from France on the beach, and on Friday we’re going to go sightseeing. Are you going to see Marca on Saturday?If so, say hello to him from me.



  Hi Tom,

      I saw Brad Pitt yesterday. I know you’re not going to believe me, but it’s true. I read in the newspaper they’re going to make a horror film here in Edinburgh, and he’s in it. And guess what! I took a photo of him and I’m going to show it to you, because you never believe me! (I’m going to give it to Lisa!)

      See you soon!


  • Dear Sir,

      We’re having a good time. Tomorrow we’re going to visit the Tower and St Paul’s, and in the evening we’re going to see a play by Shakespeare. Dan says it’s going to be very boring, but I don’t think so. We like everything here – it’s so English.

      Paolo and Gianni

  1. What is Jenny going to do on Friday?


  1. What is Brad Pitt doing in Edinburgh?


  1. Why is Roland not going to show the photograph to Tom?


  1. Who is he going to give the photograph to?


  1. What are Paolo and Gianni going to see?


  1. Who do you think they are writing to?


VII.Read the passage and then answer the questions.

Out and about in London

  1. Museums and galleries.

      Visit Madame Tussauds and see models of the world’s most famous people, including all your favourite actors and singers. There are some great museums. Don’t miss Egyptian mummies at the British Museum or the dinosaurs at the Natural History Museum. Do you like modern? Then visit the Tate Modern with many modern collections of pictures and photos.

  1. Interesting buildings

      The Tower of London is over 900 years old and for a long time it was a prison. After the Tower, take a boat trip down the river to St Paul’s Cathedral, and then take a ride on the London Eye. There are fantastic views from the top.

  1. Shopping

      There are lots of fantastic shops in London. Walk down Oxford Street, or visit one of the lively street markets, where everything is cheap!

  1. Night life

      There are lots of exciting things to do in the evening. The West End is full of theatres, cinemas, and great restaurants. There are all kinds of concerts every night – rock, classical, pop, jazz…

  1. Sport and leisure

      Relax and walk in Hype Park – it’s clean and safe. Do you like football? Then go and see Chelsea play at Stamford Bridge. If you prefer tennis, there’s Wimbledon in June.

Where can you….

  1. relax and walk? _____________________
  2. watch Chelsea play? _____________________
  3. see models of famous people? _____________________
  4. look at modern art? _____________________
  5. watch tennis? _____________________
  6. find lots of theatres? _____________________
  7. find cheap things to buy? _____________________
  8. enjoy wonderful views of the city? _____________________


I. Read each postcard and then answer the questions for each.

  1. Where are they?


  1. What do they think of the place?


  1. What is the weather like?


  1. Where are they staying (hotel, campsite, etc.)?


  1. What do they do every day?


II.Write a postcard (50-70 words) to a friend. Use the writing guide to help you.

  • Start with Dear… or Hi…
  • Say where you are.
  • Say what the place is like and what the weather is like.
  • Say what type of housing you are staying in.
  • Say what you do every day.
  • Finish with Love or Bye for now and your name









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