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Unit 8: Sports and games – Bài tập Tiếng Anh 6


I.Put the words in the correct column according to the pronunciation of the underlined part.

II. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.

A. hear         B. fear                               C. dear                               D. wear

A. near         B. appear                         C. bear                               D. idea

A. here         B. there                             C. series                            D. sphere

A. Mary       B.air                                   C. chair                              D. marry

A. prepare  B. carry                             C. share                             D. fair


I. Fill the words or phrases from the box into the correct column.



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II. Complete the table with the sports in the box.

III.      Complete the sentences with the correct form of do or play.

  1. Do you often _____exercise?
  2. My brother ______basketball for the school team.
  3. I like _____tennis.
  4. My friend_____  judo twice a week.
  5. My mum _____yoga at the new sports centre.
  6. We  ______gymnastics at school yesterday.
  7. My dad _____football for the town team when he was young.
  8. My sister enjoys  _____table-tennis in her free time.

IV> Complete the sentences with the correct words. You can see the first letter of each word.

I usually 1c                                  to school. I have an old bike so I don’t worry about it. Sometimes when it is raining, I go to school2b                       car. At the weekend, I usually go to my friend’s house. He lives fifty metres away from me so I can3w                  there in one minute.

I often visit my grandparents. They live on the fourth floor. I usually4t               the elevator, but sometimes it doesn’t5t                     and I6w                      7u                    the8s               . It’s good exercise.

V. Complete the sentences with the verb+-ing.

  1. John loves _____judo.
  2. They enjoy the _____Olympics on TV.
  3. We really like _____in the Alps in winter.
  4. Sam hates  ______rugby but he likes football.
  5. I don’t like _______ in the pool at the sport centre.
  6. Do you like  _______running in the morning?

VI. Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box.

  1. In basketball you______  the ball on the floor.
  2. In tennis you  ______the ball.
  3. In football you _______ the ball.
  4. In rugby you ______the ball to people in your team.
  5. In football the goalkeeper needs to______  the ball.
  6. In hockey you never  ______the ball.

VII.     Give the names of the sports, using the words or phrases given.

  1. _______: bicycle, pedals, tyre, cap.
  2. _______: gloves, ring, heavyweight, champion.
  3. _______: ball, low net, table, round bats.
  4. _______: ball, kick, score, goal, referee.
  5. _______: large ball, open net, metal ring, throw.
  6. _______: shuttlecock, high net, hit.
  7. _______: large ball, high net, hands, hit, (not to touch) ground.
  8. _______: pool, goggles, swimsuit.
  9. _______: skis, downhill, snow.
  10. _______: boat, sails, wind, sailor.
  11. _______: racket, central net, small ball, hit, small ground.
  12. _______: square board, pieces, move, king.

VIII.   Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

  1. I (not be)_____ very happy yesterday.
  2. I (buy) ____a ticket for the football match yesterday.
  3. Kate (not know) ____about the exam and she did very badly.
  4. I went to the shop but I (not have) ____any money.
  5. It (be) _____a great film in 2010.
  6. I (leave) _____my school bag at school this morning.
  7. Our teacher (tell) ____us to be quiet yesterday.
  8. The people in the café (not be) ____friendly when I was there yesterday.

IX. Make questions and answers, using the cues given.

  1. A: you/ be in the bathroom/ when/ I/ phone?

      B: No/ not. I/ be asleep.



  1. A: you/ like/ the present/ I/ give/ you?

B: Yes/ I. It/ be/ great.



  1. A: Where/ you/ go on holiday/last year?

B: We/ go/ Da Lat. We/ have/ a great time.



  1. A: How many people/ be/ the party/ last night?

B: There/ be/ ten people. It/ not be/ a good party.



X. Complete the sentences with the past form of the verbs from the box.

  1. The firemen _____the woman from the burning house.
  2. My father_____ Maths at university.
  3. The programme was very funny, we ______ a lot.
  4. The teacher _____me lots of questions yesterday.
  5. You’re late! The lesson_______  ten minutes ago.
  6. It was very cold so we ______the window.
  7. After the film, we _____home.
  8. The cat_____  up into the tree.
  9. I _____to pick the bag up, but it was very heavy.
  10. We were very tired so we _____walking.

XI. Complete the funny story with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.

It (1. be)                           Sunday, the day of the big game. The players (2. arrive)                                 early. They (3. be)                  excited. Everyone (4. want)                       to play.

There (5. be)       lots of people in the stadium. They (6. wave)                 and (7. cheer)                       when the players (8. walk)                    on to the ground.

The referee (9. call)                   the captains to the middle. The referee (10. ask)                       . “Where is the ball?” Nobody (11. answer)                                   .

All the players (12. look)                                  at the ground. There (13. be)                                  no ball. The referee (14. cancel)               the game.

XII.     Read about Fiona Campbell’s journey. Fill in the gaps with the Past Simple of the verbs in brackets.

Fiona Campbell was the first woman to walk around the world. She (1. start)                her journey in the UK in 1983 and then in 1985 she (2. walk)                               across the USA. In 1988 she (3. go)                      from Sydney to Perth in only 95 days. On April 2nd 1991, Fiona (4. leave)                      Cape Town in South Africa. She (5. arrive)                          in Morocco 29 months later – a journey of 10,000 miles. Then she (6. walk)                 across Europe and (7. finish)            her journey in October 1994. She (8. travel)                   19,586 miles and (9. raise)             £120,000 for charity. Fiona also (10. write)                                  a book about her journey called The Whole Story.

XIII.   Complete the text. Use the past simple of the verbs in brackets.

      Last year my family (1. go)                  to Greece on holiday. We (2. meet)                      a lot of new people and I (3. take)               a lot of photographs. We (4. stay)                         in a good hotel near the sea, and there (5. be)                 a lot of things to do there. Unfortunately, on the first day I (6. have)                some problems. I (7. hit)                 my head on the bathroom door and then I (8. cut)              my finger, so for two days I (9. read)                    a lot of books and (10. play)                           games on my laptop. After that I (11. do)             a lot of things – swimming, sailing, and so on. When we (12. leave)                       ,I (13. be) really tired! I (14. tell)               Dad that I needed another holiday!


I.Complete the conversation with the words in the box.

Pauline:          You look tired.

Owen:             I am. I (1)                         football this morning.

Pauline:          What was the (2)                                    ?

Owen:             5-1 to (3)                         .

Pauline:          Oh (4)                   .

Owen:             It’s not the (5)                              of the world. I (6)                our goal.

II.Match the questions and answers, and then write the answers in the blanks.

____ 1. What’s your favourite sport?                  a. No, not really.

____ 2. Who’s your favourite sportswoman?   b. Three or four times a week.

____ 3 . How often do you go swimming?         c. She’s a skier – but I can’t think of her name right now.

____ 4 . What’s your favourite football team? d. Liverpool.

____ 5 . Do you like volleyball?                           e. Running

III.Reorder the phrases to make a conversation.

Conversation 1

oChristina         I’m spending the evening at school.

oMichelle          Really? A long evening.

oChristina         Yeah, we’re having a video evening with our language teachers.

o Michelle         At school?

oChristina         Yeah, until midnight.

oMichelle          Cool. Can I come too?

 1 Michelle          What are you doing tomorrow evening, Christina?

Conversation 2

o Oliver             OK. See you on Monday then!

1 Tim                   What are you doing this weekend?

oOliver              Oh, they’re fun! There’s a lot of great rides.

oTim                   No, thanks. I don’t really like theme parks.

oOliver              I’m going to Luna Park with some friends. Would you like to come?

oTim                   Anyway, I’m going to the youth club on Saturday, then I’m going to football match on Sunday.

IV. Complete the conversation with the words below.

Nicole      What’s your (1)                     sport, Matthew?

Mathew   Hmm, probably basketball. But I also like (2)                 .

Nicole      Are you a good tennis player?

Matthew I’m OK, I think.

Nicole      How (3)                      do you play a week?

Matthew  What? Tennis or basketball?

Nicole      Both.

      Matthew Well, I play tennis (4)                      a week, and basketball four times a week. I’m in a team.

Nicole      Oh really? You do a lot of sport.

Matthew  True. What about you? What’s your favourite (5)                      ?

Nicole      Watching basketball on TV.

Matthew  Oh, would you like to watch tomorrow’s (6)                  with me?

Nicole      Sure, why not?

V.Read the three conversations, and then do the tasks.


      Rosy:       Hello, there. Where are you going?

Diana:      I’m going to the gym. I do exercise there twice a week.

Rosy:       I went to the gym last month, but I didn’t like it. It was full of noisy teenagers.

Diana:      You can join this gym. It’s nice and quiet.

Rosy:       Really? Where is it?

Diana:      On High Street. Why don’t you come and see it?

      Rosy:       OK, great. Let’s go.


      Frank:     Hi, there. My name’s Frank.

      Lisa:         Hello, I’m Lisa.

Frank:     Pleased to meet you. How do you know Nigel?

      Lisa:         I’m his cousin.

      Frank:     Oh, right. So do you live near here?

Lisa:         No, I’m from Banbury but my family are staying there this week so Nigel invited me here to his birthday party.

Frank:     I’m very glad. Hey, Lisa. Do you play table-tennis?


Simon:     Hello. Are you new here?

David:      Yes, I am My name’s David.

Simon:     Hi, David. I’m Simon, the teacher here. So, you’re interested in judo.

David:      Yes, I am. I love watching it on the TV and I saw your poster in the shopping centre.

Simon:     Great. Well, there are nine other people coming here every week so you’re the tenth. Let me introduce the others to you.

David:      Yes. Thanks. Sorry, I’m a bit nervous.

Simon:     Don’t worry. There aren’t any exams today!

A. Match the conversations (1-3) with the situations (a-d). There is a one extra situation.

Conversation 1  __________       a. At a party.

      Conversation 2 __________       b. At a sports lesson.

      Conversation 3  __________       c. At a shopping centre.

  1. In the street.

B.Decide whether the sentences are true (T) or false (F).

  1. Rosy went to the same gym that Diana now goes to. __________
  2. Rosy goes to the gym with Diana. __________
  3. Lisa doesn’t live in the same town as Frank. __________
  4. It is Lisa’s birthday party. __________
  5. David came to the judo lesson because he saw __________

information about the classes on TV.

  1. Simon now has ten students in his class. __________


I.Read the passage, and then answer the questions.

Hoa is student in class 6B. She likes sports very much. She goes swimming in the afternoon. She plays badminton on weekend and does aerobics every day. I play table tennis with her. Sports are very good.

  1. Does Hoa like sports?


  1. What does she do in the afternoon?


  1. Which sports does she play on weekend?


  1. Does she do aerobics every day?


  1. Are sports good?


II.Read the passage, and then decide whether the sentences are True or False.

Nam and Tan are students in grade 6. They are good friends. At school, they are in the same class. They live near school, and they walk to school every morning. In the afternoon, they often go to their sports club. They like sports very much. Nam plays badminton, and Tan plays table tennis. Sometimes they go swimming or play soccer with their classmates. They don’t have time to go camping.

  1. Nam and Tan are not in the same class. __________
  2. They are good friends. __________
  3. They go to school by bicycle. __________
  4. In the afternoon, they often go to their sports club. __________
  5. Nam plays table tennis. __________
  6. They don’t play sports with their classmates. __________
  7. They go swimming every day. __________
  8. They never go camping. __________

III.Read the story and decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).

On Saturday, Patricia was in the park when she saw a boy on a mountain bike. He was on the hill when suddenly he fell off his bike. Patricia ran over to help. “Where’s my helmet?” he shouted. It was under a park bench so Patricia went to get it. Just then another boy ran past, took the boy’s mountain bike and rode away. “Stop!” Patricia shouted. She ran after the other boy and stopped him. He got off the bike and ran away. Patricia took the bike back to the boy, “Thank you, Patricia,” he said. “How do you know my name?” Patricia asked. “I live next to you,” he said. “My name’s Tom”. On Sunday Tom left some flowers on her doorstep to say “thank you”.

  1. Patricia was in the street when she saw a boy on a mountain bike. _______________ T/F
  2. The boy fell off his bike. T/F_____________
  3. Another boy rode away with his helmet. T/F ____________
  4. Patricia stopped the other boy and took the bike back. T/F_____________
  5. Tom gave Patricia a CD to say “thank you”. T/F_____________

IV. Read the passage, and then answer the questions.

Nam has some plans for this Sunday. First, in the morning he is going to the sports club to play table tennis with Lan and Ba. Next, in the afternoon he is going to buy some books at the bookstore and after that he’s going to go swimming with Thanh and Tan. Finally, he is going to the movie theater with his parents and his sister in the evening.

  1. What is Nam going to do on Sunday morning?


  1. What is he going to do in the afternoon?


  1. Is he going to play soccer on Sunday afternoon?


  1. Where is he going in the evening?


  1. Who is he going to the movie theater with?


V.Read the information and complete the table with a tick (ü) or a cross (Ï).

TentBeachWater sportsCafé

– Helen is having a holiday with some friends at the beach.

– Julia usually stays with her aunt, but this year she’s camping with some friends.

– Swimming is Sara’s favourite activity, and she always goes to the beach during the holidays.

– Helen’s holiday flat is near the Plaza Hotel.

– There’s a nice café in the hotel and Helen often has lunch there.

– Julia goes swimming in the sea every day.

– Sara is sharing a tent with two other girls.

– Someone is teaching Julia how to water-ski while she’s on holiday.

– Helen doesn’t go in the water because she can’t swim.

– Sara is learning a new sport – she’s having swimming lessons with Julia.

– Julia loves the Plaza Café, but she doesn’t eat there every day.

-Sara never goes out for lunch or dinner because she doesn’t have much money.

VI. Read the text and answer the questions.

Sun, Sea, and Sport

Australians love sport. They play it, they talk about it and they watch it on TV. Australian weather is perfect for sport, and there are thousands of great beaches, so swimming is very popular. The population of Australia is only about 20 million, but many of the best sportsmen and sportswomen in the world come from Australia.

Young people in Australia are very active. More than 60% of children go to sports clubs. They also do activities with friends such as skateboarding, cycling, and rollerblading.

The most popular sports for boys are football, swimming, Australian Rules football, tennis, cricket, basketball, rugby, martial arts, athletics, and hockey.

The most popular sports for girls are netball, swimming, tennis, basketball, gymnastics, football, athletics, martial arts, hockey, and horse riding.

  1. What do Australians think of sport?


  1. Why is swimming popular?


  1. Which three sports are only popular with boys?


  1. Which three sports are only popular with girls?



I.Put the words in the correct order.

  1. which/ you/ do/ sports/ at/do/ school?


  1. do/ when/ do/ you/ sport?


  1. favourite/ are/ your/ who/ sports stars?


  1. do/you/ go/ how often/ running?


  1. team/ sports/ play/ you/ do?


  1. what/ TV/ you/ do/ on/ sports/ watch?


  1. football/ is/ what/ favourite/ your/ team?


  1. swimming/ you/ do/ go/ how often?


II.Read the email, and then follow the instructions.

      Hi Linda,

      How are you? Thanks for your email. I think sports at school in Viet Nam are different from sports in Canada.

      At school we do lots of PE (Physical Education) and in winter we play ice hockey – it’s the national sport of Canada.

      I love going really fast on the ice! At our school girls and boys play rugby too. I don’t like because I am very bad at throwing and catching the ball, but I like watching our school rugby team when they play.

      In the summer, we play table tennis and do athletics. I’m OK at table tennis and I’m really good at athletics because I can run fast. I run the 100m, 200m.

      There are lots of after-school sports clubs at my school: football, volleyball, basketball, and judo. I do judo on Tuesday and Thursday evenings.

      Sometimes in the summer I go swimming with my friends at the weekend and in winter we often go ice skating. I love ice skating – it’s great.

      Write soon.


Write an email to your friend about the sports at your school and the sports you do. Write about:

  • the sports you do at school
  • the sports you like/ don’t like
  • the sports you’re good at/ bad at






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