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Global success unit 10: OUR HOUSES IN THE FUTURE


Question 1: Mark the stress on the words. Then say the words aloud. 

1. housework                2. farmer                3. standard                4. object                5. busy

6. homework                7. father                 8. mountains              9. project               10. pretty 


1. 'housework                2. 'farmer                3. 'standard                4. ob'ject                5. 'busy

6. 'homework                7. 'father                 8. 'mountains              9. 'project               10. 'pretty 

Question 2: Read the sentences and underline the two-syllable words with the stress on the first syllable. Then mark (') the stress on the words.

1. The children will have a wireless TV in their future house.

2. The robots will help her mother water the flowers.

3. Her dream house will be a pretty palace in the mountains.

4. There is a garden in front of the villa and a garage at the back of it.

5. There will be two bedrooms and one kitchen in the flat. 6. He's painting a picture of the island.

7. The girl lives in a pretty cottage in the village. 


1. The 'children will have a 'wireless TV in their 'future house.

2. The 'robots will help her 'mother 'water the 'flowers.

3. Her dream house will be a 'pretty 'palace in the 'mountains.

4. There is a 'garden in front of the 'villa and a 'garage at the back of it.

5. There will be two 'bedrooms and one 'kitchen in the flat. 6. He's painting a 'picture of the 'island.

7. The girl lives in a 'pretty 'cottage in the 'village

Vocabulary & Grammar

Question 1: Circle one odd word A, B, C, or D. Then read them aloud. 

1. A. apartment                B. house                 C. cottage                 D. factory

2. A. and                          B.in                         C on                          D. at

3. A. kitchen                    B. window               C. bedroom               D. living room

4. A. computer                B. dishwasher         C. housework            D. washing machine

5. A. city                         B. building                C. village                   D. countryside 

Question 2: Complete the sentences using the words in 1. The first letter of the word is provided for you. 

1. We live in an a_____ in the centre of Ha Noi.

2. There is a beautiful picture o_____ the wall of my room.

3. They cook and eat meals in their small k_____

4. I have a c_____ to surf the internet.

5. My uncle lives in a cottage in the v_____


1. apartment                          2. on                          3. kitchen

4. computer                           5. village

Question 3: Complete the crossword puzzle.


1. In the future, they will have a _______ to learn English.

2. They will have a _______ to surf the internet.

3. She will have a _______  that cleans dishes without water.

4. They will have a _______  to look after the children.


5. Next century, we will have a _______  to buy food from the supermarket.

6. They will have a _______  to watch programmes from other planets.

7. They will have a _______  to wash and iron our clothes. 

Giải SBT tiếng anh 6 Global success unit 10: Vocabulary & Grammar


1. phone                          2. watch                          3. dishwasher

4. robot                           5. computer                      6. television                          7. washing machine

Question 4. Match the questions with the answers:

Giải SBT tiếng anh 6 Global success unit 10: Vocabulary & Grammar


Giải SBT tiếng anh 6 Global success unit 10: Vocabulary & Grammar

Question 5: Complete the dialogues with will or won't

1. A: What would you like to drink?

B: I ___ have a lemonade. please.

2. A: I'm afraid Linda can't see you until 4 o'clock.

B: Oh, in that case, I ___ wait

3. A: I'm very worried about my examination next week.

B: Don't worry. You ___ pass.

4. A: Look at that dog. It's dangerous.

B: Don't worry. It ___ hurt you.

5. A: It's cold in this room.

B: Is it? I ___ turn on the heater. 


1. will                   2. will                    3. will                   4. won't                    5. will

Question 6: Complete the dialogues using willt/and the suggested cues in brackets. 

1. A: I've got a terrible headache. 

___________________ (get some medicines)

2. A: Wait! Don't go!

B. ___________________   (stay)

3. A: I need a new camera. 

 ___________________  (buy)

4. A: I don't know how to use this computer. 

 ___________________ (show)

5. A: Please remember to turn off the lights before you leave.

B.   ___________________ (not forget)


1. I will get you some medicines.

2. I will stay.

3. I will buy it.

4. I will show you how to use.

5. I won't forget it.

Question 7: Choose the correct option in brackets to complete each sentence.

1. Linh (might/ must) be there on time, I guess.

2. I (might not/ cannot) attend our English contest next Saturday. but I'll try my best.

3. He practises running every morning. I think he (has to/ might) become a professional runner one day.

4. Her family (should/ might) move to the city, but I'm still not sure.

5. We (might/ must) find aliens on Earth one day, but I'm sure they will not speak our language. 


1. must                      2. cannot                      3. might

4. might                     5. might


Question 1: Choose A-D to complete the conversation. Then act out with your partner.

Giải SBT tiếng anh 6 Global success unit 10: Speaking


Giải SBT tiếng anh 6 Global success unit 10: Speaking

Question 2: Answer the questions about the house you would like to live in in the future.

1. What type of house will it be?

2. Where will it be?

3. What will it look like?

4. How many rooms will it have?

5. What will be there around the house?

6. What appliances will the house have? 


- Type of house: a large villa
- Location: in a big city
- Number of rooms: 10 rooms
- Surroundings:  flower garden, green trees and a swimming pool 
- Appliances in the room: robot, smart clock, modern fridge, automatic dishwasher, automatic washing machine, super-smart TV

Question 3: Tell your friend about the house you would like to live in in the future, using the answers in 2.

Example: I'd like to tell you about my dream house. It'll be a big brick house in a small village in the mountains. ...


I'd like to tell you about my dream house. I want to live in a quiet and clean place in my country. My dream house will be a modern and comfortable villa. The will be about 10 rooms in it. There will be flower garden, green trees and a swimming pool nearby. In my future villa, there will be robots to do the housework and many smart equipment like smart clock, modern fridge, automatic dishwasher, automatic washing machine,.. There will aslo be super-smart TVs for me to watch films and listen to music. My future house will be an ideal place to live.


Question 1: Complete the paragraph with the appropriate words in the box. 

                         have             contact              enjoy              won't              four 

I have a dream of having my own flat. It'll be in the centre of the city. There will be (1) _________rooms in it - a living room, a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen. I'll (2) ______a big TV and a DVD player in my bedroom. They'll help me to relax and (3)______ life. I'll have a laptop to (4) ______ with my friends. My flat will be on the top floor and there (5) _______ be any neighbours, so it'll be OK to play loud music.


1. four             2. have             3. enjoy             4. contact             5. won't

Question 2: Read the paragraph again and write the answers of the questions.

1. What type of house will it be? 

2. Where will it be? 

3. How many rooms will the flat have? 

4. What will there be in the bedroom? 

5. Why will it be OK to play loud music? 


1. It'll be a flat,

2. It will be in the centre of the city.

3.The flat will have 4 rooms. 

4. There will be a big TV and a DVD player in the bedroom? 

5. It will be OK to play loud music because it won't have any neighborhood.

Question 3: Read the passage and choose the option (A, B, C, or D) that is NOT TRUE. 

In the future, we will live in amazing new houses. Our houses will use the sun or the wind to make electricity. We won't use cookers, dishwashers or washing machines because robots will help us. We will have robots to cook our dinner and wash our clothes. We will have robots to look after our children. We won't use computers. We will have special remote control units. We can surf the Internet, send and receive emails and order food from the markets without getting out of bed. We won't have TVs or CD players because we will have watches that play music, take pictures and tell the time. Our cars won't use gas. They will use energy from air, water and plants. In the future the air won't be polluted. Our world will be a great place to live in. 

1. We won't have 

A. cookers

B. robots

C. TVs

D. computers

2. Robots will help us to

A cook our dinner

B. surf the internet

C. wash our clothes 

D. look after our children

3. We will have special remote control units to

A. surf the internet

B. send and receive emails

C. order food from the markets

D. look after our children

4. Our watches will 

A. make electricity

B. play music

C. take pictures

D. tell the time

5. Cars will use energy from _

A. water

B. air

C. wind

D. plants 


1. B                      2. B                       3. D                       4. A                       5. C


Question 1: Complete the table, using the appropriate words/phrases in the box. 

in the city                          brick house                          modern DVD player

apartment                         view of the trees                  view of the sea

wireless TV                       smartphone                          in the mountains

view of the city                   in the countryside                cottage 

Types of house 
Appliances in the house  


Types of housebrick house, apartment, cottage
 Locationsin the city, in the countryside, in the mountain
Surroundingsview of the trees, view of the sea, view of the city
Appliances in the house modern DVD player, wireless TV, smartphone

Question 2: Complete the table about your dream house. You can use the information in 1. 

Types of houseapartment
 Locationsin the city
Surroundings view of the city
Appliances in the house modern DVD player, wireless TV, smartphone, robot

Question 3: Write a paragraph about 50 words about your dream house. you can use the information in 2.

 I'll tell you about my dream house. I live in a big apartment in the city and it is very beautiful. It has a living room, a kitchen, 4 bedrooms and two bathrooms. In the living room, there is a table, four chairs, a modern DVD player, wireless Tv, and an air conditioner. My bedroom is very nice. There is a computer, a bed, a lamp and two pictures on the wall. The kitchen has a refrigerator, a stove and a sink. Next to the kitchen is the bathroom. It has a shower, a washing machine and a tub. I love my house very much. I also have a robot to do my housework for me.

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