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Global success unit 11: OUR GREENER WORLD


Question 1: Read the following sentences. Pay attention to the bold parts.

1. The 3Rs stand for reduce, reuse and recycle.

2. We have to write about the environment.

3. He's coughing because it is dusthere.

4. They usually cycle to school.

5. You can plant trees and flowers in the garden.

Question 2: Read the poem with correct rhythm. Pay attention to the bold parts.

Reduce, reuse, recycle

Recycle, recycle

Reduce, reuse, recycle

It's simple simple 

Just reduce the noise

And reuse old bottles

Recycle broken glass

It's simple simple.

Vocabulary & Grammar

Question 1: Solve the following crossword puzzle

Giải SBT tiếng anh 6 Global success unit 11: Vocabulary & Grammar


1. Dirty ______ causes breathing problems.

4. Things you throw away because you don't need them are called ______

7. You can take these bottles to______ the factory to them.

8. Please______ your envelopes.


2. If you______ the time for you shower, you will save a lot of water.

3. Loud ______can annoy people.

5. You can make flower vases from old ______

6. Fish die when______ in lakes, rivers and oceans is dirty. 


1. air                    2. reduce                     3. noisy                     4. rubbish

5. bottles             6. waste                       7. recycle                  8. raise

Question 2: Read each way for preventing pollution and match it with a suitable picture. 

Giải SBT tiếng anh 6 Global success unit 11: Vocabulary & Grammar



Giải SBT tiếng anh 6 Global success unit 11: Vocabulary & Grammar

Question 3: Write a / an or the.

1. We have ____cat, ____dog, and ____ goldfish as pets. 

2.  ____ Earth is the third planet from  ____Sun 

3. My grandfather is  ____astronaut and my father is ____ pilot

4. Do you live in ____ house or  ____flat?

5. Do you have  ____umbrella in your car?


1. a, a, a

2. The, the

3. an, a

4. a, a

5. an

Question 4: Complete the following conversation by putting in the correct positive or negative forms of the verbs in brackets. 

Vy: What are you doing, Mi?

Mi: I'm writing a paragraph about the ways to save our environment. 

Vy: Let me see. ( Vy reeds Mi's writing.) If you (1. take) _______ a shower instead of a bath, you (2. save) _______  water.

Mi: Can you give me some more ideas?

Vy: Sure. If you (3. cycle) _______  more, there (4. be) _______  less air pollution.

Mi: Why? Vy: It's simple. If you (5. cycle)  _______ ,you (6. produce)______ fumes. If there (7. be) _______  fumes, the air (8. be)  _______ cleaner

Mi: I see. I have another idea. If people (9. plant) more trees, there (10. be) _______  floods. 

Vy: That's right. (Vy looks at her watch.) Oh, it's five already. If I (11. not hurry)  _______  I (12. be)  _______ late for my English class. Bye, Mi.

Mi: Bye, Vy.


1. take                       2. will save                  3. cycle                 4. will be

5. don't cycle           6. will produce             7. are                   8. won't

9. plant                    10. won't                       11. don't              12. will be

Question 5: Use the words given to make first conditional sentences. Make necessary changes and add some words.

1. If / burn rubbish, / produce harmful smoke. 

2. If / reuse these bottles, / save a lot of money. 

3. If / use recycled paper, / save / trees. 

4. If / plant trees in the schoolyard, / school / greener place 

5. If / rubbish bin in every class, / classroom / cleaner. 


1. If you burn rubbish, you will produce harmful smoke 

2. If we reuse bottles, we will save a lot of money 

3. If students use recycled paper, they will save the trees

4. If students plant trees in the schoolyard, their school will be a greener place

5. If we have a rubbish bin in every class, the classroom will be cleaner.


Question 1: Use the given words and phrases below to make a conversation between two friends. Make necessary changes and add some words.

Mai: You / water / flowers, Phong?

Phong: Yes / am.

Mai: Don't / water / flowers / noon.

Phong: Why?

Mai: If / you / water / plants / noon, they / will / die.

Phong: Thank / you. I / not know / that.


Now practice the conversation with your friend. 


Mai: Do you watering flowers, Phong?

Phong: Yes, Iam.

Mai: Don't water the flowers in the noon.

Phong: Why?

Mai: If you water plants in the noon, they will die.

Phong: Thank you. I do not know that.

Question 2: Choose a - e to complete the following conversation between a girl (Ly) and her younger brother (Vinh). Practice the conversation. 

a. It's a great idea. We can grow flowers in the front garden.

b. They're in the living room.

c. Yes. If we grow flowers and vegetables, our house will be greener and more beautiful.

d. I see. I'll remember next time.

e. I'm sorry. 

Ly: Vinh, why do you often forget to turn off the light when you go out of the room?

Vinh. (1) __________________________

Ly: If you forget all the time, we'll have to pay a lot of money for electricity.

Vinh: (2)  __________________________

Ly: By the way, I think we need to grow some flowers in our garden.

Vinh: (3) __________________________ 

Ly: And we can grow some vegetables too.

Vinh: (4)  __________________________

Ly: Now go and tell Mum and Dad about our ideas. Do you know where they are?

Vinh: (5) __________________________


1. e                 2. d                    3. a                    4.c                  5.b

Question 4: Work with a partner. You look at the following pictures and your partner looks at the pictures on page 39. Ask and answer about the similarities and differences between the two pictures. You can use the suggested language in the box. 

• using the recycled book

• throwing rubbish into the right bin

• throwing rubbish into the street

• using plastic / reusable bags for shopping

• turning off the tap while brushing the teeth

• turning off the fan before leaving the classroom 

Giải SBT tiếng anh 6 Global success unit 11: Speaking


1. You: In my picture, I see a boy. He's turning off the fan before leaving the classroom.

Your friend: Oh, in my picture the fan is on. 

2. You: In my picture, I see 2 girls are using reusable bags for shopping.

Your friend: Oh, in my picture 2 girls are using reusable bags for shopping, too.

3. You: In my picture, I see the man turning off the tap while brushing the teeth.

Your friend: Oh, in my picture, the tap is turning on.

4. You: In my picture, I see the girl isn't using the recycled book.

Your friend: Oh, in my picture the girl is using the recycled book.


Question 1: Choose the correct word marked A, B, or C to fill each blank in the following passage. 

                                                                   AIR QUALITY

People need to breathe. If they don't breathe, they (1) ______ die. But how clean is the air people breathe? If they breathe (2) ______ air they will have breathing problems and become (3) ______   Plants and animals need (4) ______ air too. A lot of the things (5)______  our lives create harmful gases and (6)_______  the air dirty, like cars, motorbikes and factories. Dirty air is called "(7)______  air. Air pollution can also make our Earth warmer. The problem of air pollution started with the burning (8) ______ coal in homes and factories. 

1. A. will                   B. are                     C. must

2. A. clean               B. fresh                  C. dirty

3. A. well                  B. better                 C. ill 

4. A. clean                B. safe                   C. dirty

5. A. at                      B. in                       C. on

6. A. make                B. get                     C. give

7. A. pollute            B. polutted             C. polluting

8. A. in                    B. for                     C. of


1. A             2. C             3. C             4. A

5. B             6. A             7. B             8. C

Question 2: Read the passage and do the exercises. 

1. Recycling means using rubbish to remake new goods that can be sold again. For example, when you put bottles and cans in the recycling bin, people take them to a factory. In this factory, people reprocess these bottles and cans into many new things.

2.The most well-known recycled materials are glass, paper, plastic, and aluminum. Other recyclable materials include batteries, kitchen waste, steel, iron, cotton and timber.

3. Recycling starts when you or your parents drop recyclable materials, such as bottles and cans in the recycling bin. Next, collectors come to pick up the materials and take them to a processing factory where they are sorted and processed into raw materials. After that, factories sell these materials to manufacturers who make the things you buy. These manufacturers make new items from them. Finally, you or your parents buy items made from recycled materials. 

a. Match the words in A with their meanings in B. 

Giải SBT tiếng anh 6 Global success unit 11: Reading


Giải SBT tiếng anh 6 Global success unit 11: Reading

b. The passage has three paragraphs 1- 3. Match them with the headings a - c.

a. The process of recycling

b. The definition of recycling

c. Things to be recycled 

Answer: 1-b, 2-c, 3-a

c. Reorder the following pictures to make a recycling process. 

Giải SBT tiếng anh 6 Global success unit 11: Reading

Answer: b-d-e-c-a


Question 1: Make sentences using the words and phrases below to help you

1. Pack / lunch / lunch box / instead / plastic bag. 

2. Use / own bag / when / go shopping. 

3. Turn off / lights / when / not use /. 

4. Donate / old clothes / or / exchange / friends. 

5. Turn off / tap/ when / brush / teeth. 


1. Pack your lunch in a lunch box instead of a plastic bag.

2. Use your own bag when you go shopping.

3. Turn off the lights when you don't use them.

4. Donate your old clothes or swap them with your friends.

5. Turn off the tap when you are brushing your teeth. 

Question 2: Complete the network with ideas to make your classroom a greener one. The first one has been done as an example. 

Giải SBT tiếng anh 6 Global success unit 11: Writing



  • Schedule a trash pickup day

  • Use reusable containers for lunches

  • Add more recycling bins

  • Play movies with environmental themes

  • Use recyclables for art projects

Question 3: You and your friends in class want to make your classroom a greener place. Write a paragraph to tell what you can do. Use the ideas you have in s. 

There are some things we can do to make our classroom a greener place. Firstly,

Answer: There are some things we can do to make our classroom a greener place. Firstly, we can have green spaces where students and teachers grow flowers and vegetables. Second, we can put more trash cans in the classroom. In addition, we will separate recyclable and non-recyclable waste. In the end, we should prepare lunch to take home instead of buying fast food, that will help minimize plastic bags.

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