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Global success unit 12: ROBOTS

 Question 1: Practise reading out the sentences. Pay attention to the bold syllables and the tone. 

1. It the highest mountain in the world.

2. Tom is the tallest of the three boys.

3. It is the fastest car in the show.

4. We will build houses under the sea.

5. V200 is the strongest and smartest robot in our factory.

Question 2: Practise singing the chant. Pay attention to the bold syllables and the tone in each line. 

I've got a robot toy a robot toy

He can run, jump and climb

 We such a good boysuch a good boy

He's my best toy at all times 

I've got a robot toy. a robot toy

He's so faststrong and nice

He's got a sweet voice, got a sweet voice

He's my nicest toy at all times.

Vocabulary & Grammar

Question 1: Match the verbs 1-5 to the phrases a-e

Giải SBT tiếng anh 6 Global success unit 12: Vocabulary & Grammar


Giải SBT tiếng anh 6 Global success unit 12: Vocabulary & Grammar

Question 2: Fill each gap with a phrase in 1.

Giải SBT tiếng anh 6 Global success unit 12: Vocabulary & Grammar


1. do the dishes                                       2. work as a guard

3. repair broken machine                        4. iron the clothes

5. put my toys away

Question 3: Write another word/phrase for each verb in 1 and make a sentence with It 

Example: do the gardening: My mother does the gardening every Sunday.

1. do homework. I do my homework every day.                  

2. work hard. My father always works hard to make money.

3. clean. My mother cleans our house every afternoon.                        

4. put my toys away. I put my toys away after playing.

Question 4: Match the sentences 1 - 5 to the phrases a - e. 

1. They can cook, make tea or coffee, and clean our houses.

2. They can teach children instead of human teachers.

3. They can build buildings, bridges and roads.

4.They can help us to find and repair problems in our bodies.

5. They can build space stations on the Moon and other planets. 

a. doctor robots

b. space robots

c. home robots

d. worker robots

e. teacher robots 


1-c                    2-e                    3-d                     4-a                   5b

Question 5: Read the following English Language Ability Questionnaire and write sentences about Phong's ability in English

Giải SBT tiếng anh 6 Global success unit 12: Vocabulary & Grammar


1. Phong can understand conversational English.

2. Phong can't speak English on the phone. 

3. Phong can read an English newspaper.

4. Phong can't read an English novel.

5. Phong can't speak with a group of people in English.

6. Phong can write a social letter in English.

7. Phong can't write an article in English.

8.Phong can't give a presentation on social issues in English.

Question 6: Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets. 

1. My sister thinks she's (smart) ______ than me but I don't agree. 

2. What is the (wet) _______ month of the year in Viet Nam?  

3. V100 is the (strong)_______ robot in our factory. 

4. My mum's robot is not very fast. She wants a (fast)_______ one.

5. Venus is the (hot) _______ in the solar system.

6. Mary is the (nice) _______ person that I know. 


1. more intelligent                               2. wettest

3. strongest                                        4. faster

5. hottest                                            6. nicest


Question 1:

a. Read these phrases a - h and put them into groups.

a. What do you think ...?

b. I'm sorry, I don't agree.

c. What about you, (Nick)?

d. Yes, definitely.

e. I agree (with this / Nick).

I. Do you agree (with that)?

g. I don't agree (with this / Nick).

h. No, definitely not. 

Giải SBT tiếng anh 6 Global success unit 12: Speaking


  • Asking for opinions: a, c, i

  • Expressing agreement: d, e

  • Expressing disagreement: g, h

b. Complete the conversation with these phrases. Then practise the conversation with your friends. 

a. I'm sorry, I don't agree

b. No, definitely not

c. Do you agree with that

d. What about you

e. I agree with 

Duy: I don't think we should have robots In our lives.

Nick: (1) ______ Robots are helping us a lot in industry, education, and even In our house. (2)______, Duy?

Duy: (3) ______ They're a complete waste of time and money. They're making everybody lacy. In the future robots will take over the world. I saw a film about that once. (4)_______ Phong?

Phong: Oh, (5)_______ Nick. Robots are never smarter than humans. But in the future, they will be very useful because they will do almost everything instead of us. 


1-e                 2-d                 3.-a                4-c                5-b

Question 3: Do you agree or disagree with these statements? Use the phrases in 1.

1. We shouldn't have robots in our lives. - I agree (with this)/ I don't agree (with this).

2. Living In the city is better than living In the countryside. - Yes, definitely.

3. Driving a car is more convenient than riding a motorbike. - No, definitely not. 

4. Learning a foreign language Is a waste of time. - I don't agree with this.

5. We must wear our uniforms in school every day. - I agree with this.


1. We shouldn't have robots in our lives. I don't agree with this.

2. Living In the city is better than living In the countryside. 

3. Driving a car is more convenient than riding a motorbike. 

4. Learning a foreign language Is a waste of time. 

5. We must wear our uniforms in school every day. 

Question 3: Tick (v) what you think robots can do. 

- play tennis ❑

- look after children or old people ❑

- repair broken machines in our house ❑

- talk to people ❑

- talk to other machines in our house ❑

- work as guards in our house ❑

- find and repair problems in our bodies ❑

- understand what we think ❑ 


I think robots can:

- look after children or old people

- repair broken machines in our house 

- talk to people 

- work as guards in our house.


Question 1: Read the conversation between an interviewer and Dr Brown, a robot expert. Tick (v)T (True) or F (False).

Interviewer: Good morning, Dr Brown. Welcome to our programme.

Dr Brown: Good morning.

Interviewer. Could you tell us what robots can do now, please?

Dr Brown: Well, they can do a lot of things in many fields now. But they can't understand our feelings or can't do quite a lot of complicated things.

Interview: What can home robots do for us in our houses?

Dr. Brown: A lot. They can work as guards in your house and even look after your babies when you're away.

Interviewer: Great! Can they do more complicated things like play football or drive a car?

Dr.Brown: They can't play football now but they can drive a car only in streets with few vehicles.

Interviewer: Really? Can they talk to humans?

Dr. Brown: Yes. The smartest robots can understand and speak more than 30 languages.

1. Robots can understand our feeling.

2. Home robots can do a lot of things in our houses.

3. Robots cannot play football.

4. Robot can drive a car in every street

5. Robot can talk to people


1. F                  2. T                  3. T                  4. F                  5. T

Question 2: Mark Huge, a robot expert, is now online answering questions from Sarah, Jeremy and Nubira about the study and design of robots. Read his blog and choose the correct answer A, 8, C, or D for each gap. 

Dow have smart robots now? Sarah, London, England Yes, we do. Scientists have worked (1) ______ them. Their robots can interact with people. They can watch people and react to them. Who Is working In this field? Jemmy, Sydney, Australia People like Cynthia Brea/ear and David Hanson. David has designed a robot head called K-Bol. IL has cameras (2) ______ its eyes and with its face. 

it can make some (3) ______ Can we buy home robots? Nubia, Tokyo, Japan Yes, we can. Sanyo has developed a security robot called EMS It can work as a guard in your house and (4) ______ messages to your mobile phone. We have many home robots in the shops now. Sony has produced the S3M1Q. It can work as a guard for your houses and do the gardening. It'll (5)______ In our shops next week. 

1. A. on                          B. in                           C. at                           D. to

2. A on                           B. into                        C. in                            D. to

3. A. looks                     B. feelings                  C. expressions           D. shows

4. A. bring                      B. take                       C. pass                       D. send

5. A appear                    B. go                          C. have                      D. buy 


1. A                   2. C                  3.  C                 4. D                   5. A

Question 3: Read the text and choose the correct answer (A, B, C, or 0) for each of the questions from 1 to 5.

A robot cannot think or do things alone. People use a computer to control it. Today, robots are becoming useful in our lives. They can help us to save a lot of time and work. A robot can do the same work for 24 hours, and yet, it does not complain or get tired. In the US. people use robots as security guards in some important places. These robots can listen for certain noises and send signals for help if there's trouble or danger. In Japan, people use robots in factories to build cars. In the future, scientists will design many types of intelligent robots. Their robots will help us to do many more complicated things. However, some people do not like robots. They fear that one day robots will be too powerful. 

1. Why do people use a computer to control a robot?

A. Because it can save time and work.

B. Because it cannot think or do things alone.

C. Because it is too expensive.

D. Because it is very useful

2. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the text?

A. People use computers to control robots.

B. Robots cannot do the same work for 24 hours.

C. Robots do not get tired of working.

D. People use robots as security guards in some important places in the US.

3. The word it" in the text refers to 

A. a robot

B. a computer

C. work

D. the US

4. In Japan, people use robots in factories to _______

A. guard important place

B. do many more complicated things

C. build cars

D. listen to certain noise

5. Some people fear that one day robot _______

A. will be busier than human

B. will do complicated things

C.will have too much power

D. will make too much noise


1. B                     2. B                   3. A                  4. C                  5. C


Question 1:

a. You want to design a new robot. Write five things that your new robot can do and five things that it cannot do.

Example: My new robot can understand what I think. It cannot play football with me. 


Robots can deliver everything. Robots cannot take care of babies in the same way a human being can.

Robots can cook the meals. Robots can’t eat smell or taste food.

Robots can make music. Robots can't feel the melody.

b. Write a note about your new robot (about 40 words) using the cues below: 

- The name of your robot

- What it can do

- What it cannot do

- Where it can work 


My robot's name will be Bonnie. She can help me to do many things like cleaning my house, washing the dishes, ironing my clothes, and cooking for me when I'm busy. However, she also can not taste the food, play badminton with me or feel the melody and dance with me. It can work in my house.

Question 2: Do you agree or disagree with these statements? Tick (v ) the box. 

Giải SBT tiếng anh 6 Global success unit 12: Writing


Giải SBT tiếng anh 6 Global success unit 12: Writing

Question 3: Write a paragraph of 50 - 60 words to support the idea that robots will be very useful in the future. You can use some of the ideas in or your own. 

You can begin and end as follow:

I agree with the idea that in the future robots will be very useful to us. Firstly,


I agree with the idea that in the future robots will be very useful to us. Firstly, robots can help us with chores, which gives us more time to rest after tiring work. Secondly, robots can also help us do heavy or dangerous jobs instead of humans, helping us to preserve our lives. Sometimes we feel lonely, the robot will be like a friend who listens to us, it can play music or tell jokes to help us forget our sadness and feel happier. For these reasons, I think that in the future robots will be useful in our future. 

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