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Global success unit 2: Reading

 Question 1: Fill each blank with a suitable word / phrase from the box to complete the following passage.

untidy        are       not        near          next        on          his            school bag

An's bedroom is big but messy. There .......(1)........ clothes on the floor. There is a big desk....... (2)........ the window, and there are dirty bowls and chopsticks  .....(3).... it. He usually puts his .........(4) .......under the desk. His bed is .......(5)....... to the desk, and it is also .......(6)......... . There is a cap. some CDs and some books on the bed. An's mum is ......(7)........ happy with this, and now An is tidying up ........(8)........... room.


(1)   are                           (2)  near                              (3) untidy                              (4) school bag

(5)  next                           (6) on                                  (7)  not                                  (8) his

Question 2: Choose the correct answer A, 6, or C to fill each blank in the following conversation.

Mum: We're moving to the new flat next month. Do you want to have a new bed?

Mi: No, I don’t, Mum. I .......(1)..... my old bed. It’s so comfortable. But can I ........(2)...... a new poster?

Mum: You have three posters already. You can put them ......(3)........ the wall in your new room.

Mi: Yes, Mum. I want to have a family photo on my desk. There .....(4)........ only a lamp on it now.

Mum: That's a good idea. Oh, where do you want to put your desk?

Mi: .........(5)..... to my bed, Mum. I also want a small plant in my room.

Mum: That's fine. It can go .........(6)....... the bookshelf and the desk.

1. A. hate             B. love                C. dislike                           4. A. is                  B. are                C. isn't

2. A. sell               B. buy                 C.give                               5. A. Near             B. Behind          C. Next

3. A. in                  B. near               C. on                                 6. A.  next to         B. between        C. in front of


1. B               2.  B               3.  C             4. A              5. C              6. B

Question 3: Read the emails fromm Vy and Tom and do the exercises.

a. Decide which of the rooms below is Vy's bedroom and which is Tom's bedroom.


  • Vy's room is C
  • Tom's room is A

b. Read the emails again. Answer the questions.

Example: - Is Vy’s bedroom big or small?             3. What is there in Tom’s bedroom?

                - It's small.                                             ..........................................................

1. Is Tom's bedroom big or small?                        4. Does Vy like her bedroom? Why / Why not?

...................................................                          .............................................................................

2.What is there in Vy’s bedroom?                         5. Does Tom like his bedroom? Why / Why not?

.......................................................                      .............................................................................


1. It's big

2. There is a bed, a wardrobe, a desk, a chair and a lamp

3. There is a bed, a wardrobe, a chair,  a desk and a lamp

4. Yes, Vy does. Because It's comfortable.

5. Yes, Tom does. Because It's cozy

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