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Global success unit 4: Writing

 Question 1: Rearrange the words/phrases to make correct sentences. 

1. There / many things / my / I / about / neighbourhood / like / are / .

2. Ws / because / big supermarket / very convenient / there is a / near my house / . 

3. There / shops, / many / and cafés / here / restaurants, / are / also / . 

4. The / are / and / clean / streets / wide / . 

5. The / very / friendly / are / here / and / helpful / people / . 


1. There are many things I like about my neighbourhood.

2.It's very convenient because there is a big supermarket near my house.

3.There are also many shops, restaurants, and cafes here. / There are also many restaurants, shops, and cafés here.

4.The streets are wide and clean. / The streets are clean and wide.

5.The people here are very friendly and helpful. /The people here are very helpful and friendly. 

Question 2: Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Do not change the meaning of the sentences and do not change the form of the words.

1. Quang is lazier than Ha. (HARD-WORKING) 

2. A city is noisier than a village. (PEACEFUL) 

3. Theresa post office on one side of my house and a café on the other. (BETWEEN) 

4. Please tell me something about your neighbourhood. (CAN) 

5. Oranges are cheaper than apples. (EXPENSIVE) 


1. Ha is more hard-working than Quang.

2. A village is more peaceful than a city.

3. My house is between a post office and a café.

4.Can you tell me something about your neighbourhood, please?

5.Apples are more expensive than oranges. 

Question 3: Write a paragraph about your neighbourhood (about 60 words), using the cues below: 

- Where is your neighbourhood? (in the city, near a city, in the country, in the mountains, etc.)

- What can you see in your neighbourhood? (streets, houses, trees, hills, shopping centres, schools, cinemas, etc.)

- What are the streets / the houses / the shops, etc. in your neighbourhood like?

- Do you like living in your neighbourhood? Why / Why not? 


My neighborhood ís in the countryside. It is near the sea. I like living here because of many interesting things in my neighborhood. It is surrounded by many trees and we can see the blue see from my neighborhood. In the afternoon, there are many people go swimming and enjoy the air. My neighborhood also has many kinds of delicious seafood. The people here are really friendly and hospitable. I love my neighbourhood very much because it's beautiful and peaceful.

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