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Unit 7: A closer look 1

1. Write the words / phrases in the box next to the definition.

talent show               viewer

comedy                   character

educational            programme

1. an animal or a person in a film _____

2. a programme which teaches maths, English, etc. ______

3. a film/ show which makes peopte laugh ________

4. a competition to choose the best performer _______

5. a person who watches TV _______

=> Answer:

1. chracter               2. educational programe        3. comedy

4. talent show          5. viewer

2. Complete the sentences with the words / phrases in the box.

character                 animated films

viewers                    comedies

game show             channei

1. Do you watch Bibi, the popular.......... for children?

2. Which................. do you prefer. Jerry the mouse or Tom the cat?

3. I love ............. like Happy Feet  and Coco.

4. I love Children are Always Right, a ........... for kids.

5. My father often watches :............... They're so funny.

6. A popular programme has a lot of ............

=> Answer: 

1. channel                   2. character            3. animated films             

4. game show           5. comedies           6. viewers

3. Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the box.

popular                cute             live

educational         boring         funny

1 The most ................ channel for Children is the Cartoon Network

2. This filmis very ............. don't want to watch it.

3. Cat Katy is avery .............. character. Children love her.

4. You can watch this programme at the  same time it happens. tt’s ..................

5. Comedies are ............. People laugh alot when they watch them.

6. We leam a lot from Discovery Channel. This channel is .......................

=> Answer: 

1. popular     2. boring        3. cute   

4. live             5. funny          6. educational

4. Listen and repeat the words

[Kết nối tri thức và cuộc sống] Tiếng Anh 6 unit 7: Closer look 1

5. Tongue Twister. Take turns to read the sentences quickly and correctly

[Kết nối tri thức và cuộc sống] Tiếng Anh 6 unit 7: Closer look 1


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