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Unit 11: Our greener world – Bài tập Tiếng Anh 6


I. Put the words in the correct column according to the pronunciation of the underlined part.

II. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.

  1. A. stand                            B. hand                             C.father                            D.apple
  2. A.yard                              B.activity                         C.had                                D.automatic
  3. A.bad                                B.cat                                 C.bag                                D.calm
  4. A.cameras                       B.fantastic                       C.part                               D.fact
  5. A.dark                              B.travel                            C.cancel                           D.action


I. Put the words from the box into the correct column. One word can belong to more than one group.

II. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb.

  1. If we win the money, we (buy) ____a new house.
  2. We (go) _____on holiday if there is time .
  3. If we (need) _____some help, we’ll ask.
  4. She (not write) ______to you if she leaves.
  5. If Harry stays with his grandparents, Sally (not be) ______happy.
  6. We (do) _________this for you if you want.

III.      Choose the correct word.

  1. If we miss/ will miss the bus, we take/ will take the taxi.
  2. If you don’t eat/ won’t eat fruit, you get/ will get a cold.
  3. If you help/ will help me, I lend/ will lend you that Beyoncé CD.
  4. If he doesn’t stop/ won’t stop smoking, he has/ will have problems later.
  5. You are/will be on time if you run/ will run.
  6. She goes/ will go to the party if you invite/ will invite her.
  7. They see/ will see the new Lara Croft film if they go/ will go to the cinema.
  8. come/ will come over to your house if you rent/ will rent a DVD.

IV. Match the phrases to form a sentence in the first conditional, and write the answer in each blank.

  1. If you wear that shirt                   a. it’ll bite you
  2. If you invite her to the cinema   b. will you be at home?
  3. If you touch that dog                     c. he’ll have an accident.
  4. If it’s hot tomorrow                       d. we’ll be home by ten.
  5. If I phone you at nine                   e. you’ll look really good.
  6. If he drives that car fast               f. will you buy some chocolate for me?
  7. If we leave now                              g. we’ll go to the beach.
  8. If I give you some money             h. I’m sure she’ll say yes

I. Complete the dialogue with the expressions in the box.

      Miss Hanh:    Oh, don’t throw away that plastic bottle. (1)                                      .

Lan:                An old plastic bottle? (2)                                              .

Miss Hanh:    To save water, you put some small stones in the bottle and (3)                                         . The stones and water make the bottle heavy (4)                                  , oh in the toilet tank.

        Lan:                You put it in the toilet tank?

        Miss Hanh:    Yeah, (5)                          every time you empty the tank. (6)                                               .

Lan:                It saves that much water? Wow!

II.Ask and answer the questions. Use the phrases given or your own answers.

  1. What do you recycle? -I recycle ______________________________ .

(plastic bottles/ metal cans/ glass jars/newspapers/ juice cartons)

  1. What do you think about the recycled items? – I think they are ___________ .

(cool/ fashionable/ colourful/ fun)

  1. Have you ever made anything from your old things? -___________________ .

(Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t.)

  1. What did you make? – I made a ____________________________________ .

(bag/ pencil case/ greeting card/ gift box/ picture)

  1. What did you use? -I used some old ________________________________ .

(clothes/ cardboard/ paper/ ribbon/ plastic/ magazines)


I.Complete the passage with the words given in the box.

Ba’s class has a (1)                     on waste paper. His friends are so (2)                 to learn that every day throughout the world, millions of newspapers and paper bags are (3)                                away. People are collecting waste paper and (4)       it. Making paper (5)                                    a lot of trees and labor. Now if people don’t (6)                         paper, they can save (7)                              and money. Especially, people can save the natural (8)                                    . For every (9)                   of recycled newsprint, ten trees can be saved. The more paper people save, the more natural resources are (10)                                  .

II.Read the text. Each of the sentences has one mistake, and try to correct the mistakes.

An Eco Home

John Kangister and his wife, Kathy live in an interesting house. It’s an eco home. Eco homes don’t harm the environment. They don’t use coal or oil, so they don’t produce dangerous gases.

John and Kathy’s eco home is in California, USA. It looks like a house from one of The Lord of the Rings films. Most of the house is underground. The house was very cheap to build. It has wooden walls, and floors. The windows are recycled glass. There are solar panels to make electricity for the lights, DVD players, and computers. John and Kathy get water from a well and they grow vegetables in the mud on top of the house.

Now John and Kathy don’t want to live anywhere else. They love their home because it

helps the planet greener and it looks fantastic. They think that eco homes are a great idea for everyone.

  1. Eco homes don’t produce dangerous chemicals.


  1. Eco homes don’t use electricity.


  1. The house was expensive to build.


  1. The eco home has stone floors.


  1. John and Kathy grow flowers on top of the house.


III.Read the passage carefully, and then answer the questions.

Getting back to nature

The Little Morocco is a beautiful building. We used stone and mud to build the hotel. There are skylights – windows in roof to let light in – so we save electricity. The skylights give us light in the day, we don’t use electric lights. We don’t use chemicals to clean the rooms because we don’t want to damage the environment.

You can walk in the mountains near the hotel and see lots of local wildlife. Enjoy a boat trip on the lake and see the amazing waterfalls. or visit the beautiful caves.

  1. What did they use to build the house?


  1. How can the skylights help us to save electricity?


  1. Why don’t they use chemicals to clean the rooms?


  1. What can you see in the mountains?


  1. What are the activities for a boat trip?



I.Match each part in A with the corresponding in B, writing the answer in each blank.




_____ _____

1.  If we plant more trees

2.  If we borrow books from the library instead of buying

3.  If we have a shower instead of a bath

4.  If people use more cars

5.  If the soil is polluted

A.  we will save a lot of water.

B.  they will make the air more polluted.

C.  we will have more oxygen to breathe.

D.  the plants will die.

E.  we save our money.

II.Make the first conditional sentences, using the words and phrases given.

  1. If/ we/ plant/ more trees/ neighbourhood/ greener.


  1. If/ we/ cycle/ school/ every day/ we/ keep/ air/ clean and fresh.


  1. If/ we/ keep/ hunt/ animals/ they/ disappear/ soon.


  1. If/ we/ cut down/ all/ trees/ there/ floods.


  1. If/ we/ use/ buses /we/ reduce/ pollution.


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