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Test Unit 10 – Bài tập Tiếng Anh 6

 I.Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.

  1. A.living       B.wireless                        C.hi-tech                       D.nice
  2. A.robot        B.go                                  C.no                               D.not
  3. A.space        B.located                         C.lake                            D.cottage
  4. A.machine  B.cheap                            C.watch                         D.children
  5. A.surround B. ocean                           C. space                          D. house

II.Find one odd word for each question, and then read them aloud.

  1. A. palace        B. houseboat                  C.motorhome                 D.kitchen
  2. A. control       B. start                             C. run                               D.engine
  3. A. telephone  B. robot                           C.dishwasher                  D.travel
  4. A. surf             B. Internet                      C. email                           D.sea
  5. A. fantastic     B. exciting                       C.interesting                   D.boring

III.Choose the correct answers.

  1. Super cars will ____water in the future.

      A.go by                      B.run at                            C.run on                           D.travel by

  1. The robot will ____of the flowers in the garden.

      A.take care                B.take note                      C.be careful                    D.carry

  1. The house will have a super smart TV to ____the e-mails.

      A.send and post        B.. send and receive       C.get and take                 D.receive and get

  1. _____pencils and paper, every student will have a computer .

      A.By                           B.Instead                          C.Instead of                     D.At

  1. We might have a ____TV to watch TV programmes from space.

      A.wireless                  B.remote                          C.automatic                     D.local

  1. I would like to have my house by _____. so we can see the beach from my window

      A.the mountains       B.the city                         C.the sea                          D.the countryside

  1. A hi-tech robot will help us ____children while we are away.

      A.look out                 B.look at                          C.look after                     D.look in

  1. We might have robots _____our meals.

      A.cook                       B.to cook                         C.cooking                        D.to cooking

  1. I might have a smart phone _____the Internet.

A. surf                            B.to surf                           C.surfing                          D.to surfing

20. We also watch films_____  smart phones.

      A.in                             B.at                                   C.on                                  D.to

  1. “Do you think we will _____holiday to the Moon?”

      A.go                            B.go on                             C.go on the                      D.go for

  1. “Will you have a car ____can fly into space?”

      A.it                              B.this                                C.what                              D.that

  1. We will use special cards to ____the doors and  the engine.

      A.open – stop            B.open – start                  C.control – stop              D.drive – start

  1. “Do you think that our houses will be ____space?”

      A.in                             B.on                                  C.at                                   D.to

  1. Our future houses will use _____energy, and they are very friendly to the environment.

      A.sun                          B.sunny                            C.solar                             D.lunar

  1. We will have more robots ____they can help us do housework and protect our houses.

      A.so                            B.because                        C.so that                          D.although

  1. A super smart TV will help us ____goods from the supermarket.

      A.take                         B.buy                                C.carry                             D.order

  1. We will have a robot in the garden ____the flowers and the dogs and cats.

      A.cut-take                  B.water – feed                 C.feed – take                   D.water – to wash

  1. With a smart watch, you will ____your friends in other countries.

      A.speak                      B.talk                                C.say                                D.contact

  1. Robots will help us do the housework such as _____the floors,  meals and so on.

      A.clean – cook          B.to clean – to cook        C.cleaning – cooking     D.cleaning – to cook

IV. Fill in each blank with ONE word.

  1. My future house will have a sea ______so we can see the beach from my window.
  2. “Can you tell me about your _______house in the future?”
  3. My future house will be on the sea, and we can use ______and                 energy.
  4. “Where will your future house ______?”
  5. Instead of taking pictures with our cameras, we will take pictures with our ______.
  6. “Will you have a lot of trees and flowers ______your house?”
  7. A wireless TV will help us watch TV _____from space.
  8. Our future house should produce all of the energy it ______.
  9. People might watch films ______smart phones.
  10. We can change the rooms very quickly so that we can____new technology.

V.Complete the following sentences with “will“, using the verbs given in the box.

  1. I ______some close friends to my birthday party.
  2. We _____a play at the ABC Theater.
  3. He _____chess in the Youth Club.
  4. Tom ______some bread at the baker’s.
  5. I ______some books from the library.
  6. She ______a letter to her friend.
  7. We ______our grandparents next weekend.
  8. They ______their children toys at Christmas.
  9. They _____their holiday in Vung Tau.
  10. She ______a blue dress at her sister’s wedding.

V. Complete the conversation with appropriate words or phrases.

A   Which type of house would you like (51)                                   in the future?

B   Well, maybe a hi-tech house on the ocean. It will be (52)                                by tall trees and blue sea.

  How can you produce electricity?

  We can produce all the energy because we can use (53)                                              .

A   It will be very friendly to the environment. How can you go to school?

B   There will be a helicopter on the roof so that (54)                                                         .

A   Can you control your house when you’re away?

B   Yes, we can have our smart phones (55)                          our cooker, and robots (56)                                    such as cleaning the floors, watering the flowers, and so on.

A   How about entertainment?

  I think we will have a home theater so that we can (57)                                    ,or even play sports with your virtual friends.

  Will your father have to go to work?

B   I don’t think so. People can have offices at home so that they (58)                             from home. They can use (59)                                    to contact their manager.

  And do you think we will live (60)                                   planets in the future?

B   Everything can happen, but maybe it will be very different.

VII.     Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D for each of the gaps to complete the following text.

When life changes so fast, the family life will change, too. So what will a family be (61)                    after a hundred years? We can’t have the correct answers. Parents will have (62)                   babies. They can even choose their child’s hair or eye colour. The mother will be busy but she will get help (63)                       some friendly house robots. When the family go out together, they will travel on flying cars. These cars will be much faster and there will be no traffic jams (64)                               each flying car can have its own way. There will be love and (65)    between the family members.

  1. A. enjoy        B.like               C.as                                  D.so
  2. A. healthier B.healthiest    C.health                           D.healthful
  3. A. with         B. of                  C.at                                   D.from
  4. A. so             B. because       C.although                       D.but
  5. A. care         B. careful         C.careless                        D.carefully

VIII.   Read the passage carefully, and then choose the correct answers.

In the future, people will build houses on the moon. The best place for houses in a moon town will be underground. Underground houses will be safe, and the temperatures will not be very high during daytime and not very low at night.

Moon homes may be balloons with oxygen, and people will wear oxygen masks when they are away from home because the moon has no air around it. The house might have beds, tables, and chairs, so people will sleep, eat, and work in their home. Moon-house building will be easy.

66. In a moon town, what is the best place for house?

A. a balloon     B. on the ground             C. underground                    D. in the air

67. Which of the following is true?

A. The people on the moon will not leave their homes.

B. The people on the moon will wear oxygen masks when they leave their homes.

C.The moon homes are very hot during daytime.

D. The temperatures will be very high during daytime and very low at night.

68. Why do people need oxygen when they stay on the moon?

A. Because the moon is too large.

B. Because the moon houses are full of air.

C. Because people sleep, eat, and work outside their houses.

D. Because the moon has no air.

69. How comfortable are the houses on the moon?

A. They have furniture for people to sleep, eat, or work.

B. They have many balloons.

C. They don’t have any furniture.

D. They have all kinds of furniture.

70. In the writer’s opinion, will people build houses on the moon?

A. No, they can’t.

B. They might not do it.

C. Of course, they will.

D. People only think so.

IX. Write the sentences with “will“, using the words/ phrases given.

  1. My mother/ make/ a big meal/ tonight.


  1. I/ finish/ work/ 6 p.m.


  1. I/ not have/ a birthday party/ this year.


  1. You/ meet/ Lan/ tonight?


  1. We/ take/ our cousins/ holiday/ us.


  1. My friends/ not come/ tonight.


  1. He/ catch/ the train/London/ 9 o’clock.


  1. I/ not come/ class/ tomorrow.


  1. My grandmother/ visit/ us/ Saturday.


  1. You/ stay/ home/ this weekend?


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