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Unit 10: Our houses in the future – Bài tập Tiếng Anh 6


Complete the words with the letters “dr” or “tr”. Put the words in the correct column.

_____ ess                   s____ ess                   chil__ en                    _____ actor

_____ avel                 _____ ain                   _____ aw                   _____ eam

_____ ousers             _____ ee                    _____ ip                     _____ iver

coun__ yside            _____ aw                   _____ y                      _____ ink

_____ lamp


I.Fill in each blank with a suitable phrase from the box.

  1. We will use a ______ to wash all the dishes and containers after a meal.
  2. A _______  will wash dirty clothes and make them ready for you to put on.
  3. ______will understand what we say and will do all things around the house.
  4. We will watch TV programmes from other countries by using ___________.
  5. Do you think  _________________will choose suitable food for our meals?

II.Complete the sentences with the verbs from the box in the correct form with “will”.

In the year 2040…

  1. people  on Mars.
  2. we flying cars.
  3. people  computers in their clothes.
  4. robots  all our homework.
  5. families  food in their homes.
  6. the world  a clean and happy place.
  7. we every language in the world by using special computers.
  8. the USA the football World Cup.
  9. young people  to strange music.
  10. some people to the Moon for their holidays.

III.Complete the sentences. The first has been done for you as an example.

Example:       A: In 20 years’ time, I’ll have a big house. (No, palace.)

                 B: No, you won’t. You’ll have a palace!

  1. A: In ten years’ time, you’ll be my assistant. (No, manager.)

B: _______________________________________________________________                                                                         

  1. A:In five years time, I’ll be a poor artist. (No, rich and famous.)

B: ______________________________________________________________                                                                       

  1. A: Jack will pass all his exams this year. (No, most of)

B: ______________________________________________________________                                                                         

  1. A: Peter will play for England one day. (No, Wales)


  1. A: In 50 years, this school will have 2,000 students. (No, everyone will study at home.)


IV. Write a question with “will” for each situation, using the words given in brackets.

Example: I will paint something this afternoon. (What/ you/ paint?)

                  What will you paint this afternoon?

  1. Mrs. Roberts will go shopping. (What/ she/ buy?)


  1. They are meeting Paul at the station. (When/ he/ arrive?)


  1. We won’t have a meeting on Thursday. (When/ you/ have a meeting?)


  1. We will go to the cinema. (What/ you/ see?)


  1. My grandparents will go to Ha Noi this summer. (How/ they/ travel?)


  1. I have just bought some posters. (Where/ you/ put them?)


  1. My grandparents will come for dinner tonight. (What/ you/ cook?)


  1. My brother will learn a foreign language. (What language/ he learn?)


  1. It’s my birthday next week. (Where/ you/ have/ birthday’s party?)


  1. I am too busy to paint the door. (When/ you/ paint/it?)


V.Complete the sentences with might or might not.

  1. I’m tired. I _____go to bed early tonight.
  2. He left the office very late so he _____be home for dinner.
  3. There are a lot of clouds in the sky so it _____rain later.
  4. She didn’t pass her driving test so she _____be happy.
  5. They’re a very good team. They _____win the championship this year.

VI. Match the two halves of the sentence. Write the answers in the left blanks.

  1. It might rain                                          a. and I might say ‘yes’.
  2. I have a headache                                b. so I might not eat anything.
  3. I need a new dress                               c. so I might not go to the party.
  4. I quite like Kaiser Chiefs                     d. so I might go shopping tomorrow.
  5. I drank a lot of coffee this morning e. so take a coat.
  6. I don’t feel very hungry                      f. and I might not want to see it again.
  7. I’ve seen this film                                 g. and I might buy their new CD.
  8. He asked me to marry him                h. so I might not sleep well tonight.

VII.Choose the correct word.

  1. I’ll leave early so will/ won’t be late.
  2. He’s faster than me so I don’t think I will/ won ‘t win the race.
  3. It will/ won’t be cold so take a warm coat.
  4. It’s a secret so promise you will/ won’t tell anyone.
  5. It’s his first day at school so he will/ won’t know anybody.
  6. I’ll get the news tomorrow so I will/ won’tphone and tell you.
  7. She’s intelligent. She will/ won’tbe a scientist one day.
  8. The sky’s really blue so I don’t think it will/ won’train this afternoon.

Complete the conversation with suitable phrases.

A: Will you live in a hi-tech house?

      B: Yes, I think so.

A: (1)                               our houses in the future?

      B:I think they will be (2)                                  .

      A: Is it friendly to the environment?

B: Yes, that’s right. It will only use (3)                                               so that we can keep the environment clean.

A: What about the appliances?

B: The Internet TV helps us to watch(4)                                            .

A: Will you have any robots in your house?

B: Well, Robots will (5)                                    ,so we will have more time for our family and relax.


I.Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D for each of the gaps to complete the following text.

Our future house will be on the ocean. It will be surrounded by tall trees and blue sea. But we only have salt water in the ocean. We needs fresh water for (l)                       and for growing food (2)                farms.

Ocean water is too salty (3)      . It is also too salty for watering plants. We must have the (4)             to make fresh water from salty water. We should be (5)                        not to waste water.

  1. A. drink B. to drink                       C. drinking                      D.to drinking
  2. A. on B. at                                  C. in                                  D.into
  3. A. drink B. to drink                       C. drinking                      D.for drink
  4. A. things B. suggestions                 C. ways                            D.ideas
  5. A. careful B. careless                       C. carefully                     D.carelessly

II.Read the passage carefully, and then choose the correct answers.


In the future, schools will be better. Computers will be much quicker and we might have pencils which write for us! All the students will have their own computers.

When there is a history lesson, the computers will show important events. The students will be dressed up as the characters from the period they are studying. There will be hover boards in the playground, and students will come to school by hovercars.

Every child will have a robot like themselves. The robots will have to go to school whilethe students sit at home controlling them in front of their computers. The robots will have laser pens and the student will have laser ink pens.

The classroom will be floating, and the tables and chairs will, too. There will be no homework, and teachers won’t take away the toys.

  1. The student wants all of the following but not .

A. having laser ink pens

B. going to school

C. staying at home controlling a robot

D. having a robot like himself

2. In history lessons, the student wants the computer to .

A. show important people in history events

B. have new games

C.show history events and the student will be one of the important characters

D.find all information about the events from the Internet

3. If the history lesson today is about ancient Egypt, the student will .

A. watch films about Egypt on the computer

B. become the queen

C. get dressed like the queen

D. see things and houses at that time

4. The student wants to have .

A. floating classrooms                   B. no homework

C. toys in the classroom                D. all A, B, and C

5. The word “hover” in paragraph 2 means .

A. colourful           B. flying                           C. moving                              D. large

III.Read the text and match the machines (1-6) with the things they do (a-i). Three machines match with two things.

My dream smart home  …

The bedroom:When I go to bed, the smart bed automatically gets warm. When I am asleep, it controls the temperature. In the morning, when I wake up, my robots makes me a cup of tea. I drink the tea in bed and then get up.

The bathroom has a smart shower. When my sister is in the shower, it stops after five minutes and says to her, “Your brother wants to use the bathroom now.” The smart mirror says nice things to me like, “Your hair is great today!”

      The kitchen has a smart fridge. It orders food from the Internet. My smart fridge orders food for all my family and it knows our favourite food. It talks to my family. It says, “Don’t eat that, it’s John’s!”

      The living room: The smart TV knows what I like and it finds things that I want to watch. It doesn’t listen to other people.

      My smart robot: My smart robot looks after the dog. It gives him food and it takes him out for exercise.

  1. Smart bed __________       a. It orders our food.
  2. Smart mirror __________       b. It speaks to my sister
  3. Smart shower __________       c. It looks after my dog.
  4. Smart fridge __________       d. It controls the temperature
  5. Smart TV __________       e. It speaks to me.
  6. Smart robot __________       f. It stops after five minutes.
  7. It doesn’t listen to other people.
  8. It makes me a cup of tea.
  9. It speaks to my family.

IV. Read the text, and then answer the questions.

Imagine the future…

In 20 years, every thing will be different. Computers will talk to all the machines in our kitchen. Fridges will have computers, too. You won’t go to the supermarket to buy food. You will tell the fridge what you want to eat and the fridge will know what food to buy. Your fridge will talk to the computer at the supermarket. After that, the food will arrive at your house. How will it come? It won’t be quick. A teenager will cycle to your house with your food!

Will you know what will happen in the future? No one really knows, but it’s great to imagine!

  1. When will everything be different?


  1. What will computers do in the kitchen?


  1. What will fridges have in the future?


  1. Why don’t we need to go to the supermarket to get food?


  1. How can food arrive at our house?



Write sentences with “will”, using the words or phrases given.

  1. Students/ class 6A/ plant/ some trees/ school yard/ tomorrow morning.


  1. Tourists/ stop/ restaurant/a short time.


  1. My children/ spend/ their holiday/ a farm.


  1. My mother/ prepare/ food/ my birthday party/ next week.


  1. Hoa/ see/ her parents/ the country.


  1. They/ have/ an important test/ Friday.


  1. Workers/ build/ more bridges/ this area.


  1. They/ travel/ Ha Noi/ by air.


  1. They/ cut down/ some trees/ schoolyard.


  1. It/ rain/ soon.


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