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Unit 12: Looking back

 1. Write the correct words to complete the phrases

[Kết nối tri thức và cuộc sống] Tiếng Anh 6 unit 12: Looking back[Kết nối tri thức và cuộc sống] Tiếng Anh 6 unit 12: Looking back

=> Answer: 

1. Iron the clothes          2. Move heavy things        3. Pick fruit

4. Do the washing          5. wash the dishes

2. Fill the blanks with the verbs from the box.

water      make       repair        work       understand

1. Robots can ......... as guards when we're away.

2. We rarely go to restaurants because my father can ......... delicious meals at home.

3. Can you ..........  my broken clock?

4. Can robots ...............  our feelings?

5. My father and I ................. the plants in our garden every morning.

=> Answer: 

1. work      2. make       3. repair        4.. understand       5. water

3. Use the correct form of the I adjectives in brackets to complete the paragraph.

Welcome to our company. We've made the (1. smart) ...........  robot in the world. it's the (2. smal)  ..........and the (3. light) ......... we've made but it can do many things in your house tt can even fly to clean the ceilings It can teach chadren all school subjects It's also the (4. strong) ............  in our lab because it can move more than 200 kg. It's not difficult to own a robot like this because it's one of the (5. cheap) ..........  robots in the world,

=> Answer: 

1. smartest           2. smallest        3. lightest      

4. strongest          5. cheapest

4. Compiete the following sentences with superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.

1. What is the (high) mountain in the world?

2. What is the (large) lake in Viet Nam?

3. What is the (long) beach in Viet Nam?

4. What is the (wide) river in the world?

5. What is the (hot) desert ithe world?

=> Answer: 

1. highest     2. largest     3. longest   

4. widest     5. hottest

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