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Unit 12: Robots – Bài tập Tiếng Anh 6


Put the words in the correct column according to the pronunciation of the underlined part.


I. Put the words or phrases given in the box in the correct line with the appropriate verbs. There are some that can be put more than one line.

  1. recognize:



  1. do:



  1. make:



  1. understand:



  1. lift:



  1. guard:



II.Fill the table below with the correct phrases from the box. Write sentences using “will be able to”.

Types of robotsWhat they can do
Home robots                                                                                                                                               



Teaching robots                                                                                                                                               



Worker robots                                                                                                                                               



Doctor robots                                                                                                                                               



Space robots                                                                                                                                               



Example: Home robots will be able to cook our meals.







III.Write questions using “could” and use them to ask your partners.

Example: ready four

-> “Could you read when you were four?”- “Yes, I could./ No, I couldn’t.”

  1. write your name/ two?


  1. walk/ one?


  1. count to ten/ three?


  1. speak English/ twelve?


  1. ride a bike/ ten?


IV. Complete the sentences, using “couldn’t” and the verbs in the box.

  1. My dad _____to work because he was ill.
  2. John _______his pen. It wasn’t in his school bag.
  3. Mary wasn’t hungry – she _____her lunch.
  4. I ________Jane because I don’t speak German.
  5. We  _____the teacher because the students were very noisy.
  6. Tom ______to music because his CD player was broken.
  7. I was very tired but I _______.
  8. We  _______tennis because the weather was bad.

What could/ can/ will a robot do? Make conversations between student A and student B talking about their robots, using “could/ can/ will be able to”.

Robot 1(Student A)clean the floorsrecognize the voiceunderstand people
guard the housegreet people in Vietnamese and Englishplay football
Robot 2 (Student B)lift heavy boxescontrol the temperatures of the houseplay the piano
take care of the gardenwash vegetablescook meals


      A: My robot could clean the floors ….. and when I bought it. Now …..

B: Great! My robot could …..







I.Read the text, and decide whether the statements are True or False.

Worker robots are becoming more popular in industries. Nowadays they can do more difficult jobs in many factories. The use of robots helps factories increase the quality of their products because robots can do the job well for many hours while humans can gettired and bored.

Engineers can make robots more effective and useful at home, at school, and at work.

However, a robot uses on average about 100 more times energy than a human to do the same job. The latest 20 kg robot can lift 2 kg, but a 5 kg human arm can lift 50 kg.

True   False

1.Factories are using more robots.                                                                 o        o

2.The use of robots helps make the quality of the products better.        o        o

3.Robots play an important role at homes, at schools, and in offices.    o        o

4.For the same job, a robot uses the same amount of energy as a worker does.                                                                                                                      o        o

5.With the same weight, a robot lift things heavier than a man can do. o         o

II.Read the passage, and then answer the questions.

People are very interested in robots. Some of them look like mechanical dolls to play with. Most of them look like other machines of today’s high technology.

Serious research on intelligent robots began in the 1960s in several countries. Now we are on the fifth generation of robots. The first robots were very expensive. They cost $500,000 when a worker could do the same work for $15 an hour. By the early 1970s, a robot brain, a computer, cost $300,000. Today’s robots cost from $15,000 to $150,000.

One of the advantages of robots is that they can work in situations that are dangerous or harmful for human workers.

Today there are millions of people who work at machines in the world. Robots will replace them. Part of the problem will be solved because of the decrease in the number of births. There will be fewer people looking for jobs. Many people will find changes in their jobs, and they will not like some of them.

The students of today must be sure that these changes are good. Robots must improve, not harm, the quality of human life.

  1. What generation of robots are we on now?


  1. What is one of the advantages of robots?


  1. What makes a robot brain?


  1. Why aren’t people no longer worried that robots will replace them?


  1. What is the thing that students of today are sure?


III.Read the passage, and then answer the questions.

Most robots today are industrial robots. Humans use them to make work easier and quicker. You often see them in car factories where they put the parts of the cars together. They are useful for this kind of work as it is ‘dull, dirty and dangerous’ – DVD. Robots are often used for DDD jobs and where a specific action needs to be repeated. It is very difficult for humans to do this.

There are many different types of robots. Some robots travel through space, work on the bottom of the ocean, or go inside volcanoes. They do the work of people, but for a different reason this time: there are places that are very dangerous for people, or impossible for people to go to.

Robots are everywhere. Most people don’t know that robots help us everyday and in many different ways. In most houses, there are robots. For example, in some houses today there is a washing machine in the kitchen. Washing machines are robots. People can programme them and then they wash clothes automatically.

Some scientists make robots for fun. For example, the dogs are made as toys for small children.

Japan produces the most robots. Every year in the capital, Tokyo, there is a robot exhibition called Robodex. It is the largest robot exhibition in the world.

  1. What can robots do in car factories?


  1. Why are robots useful or this kind of work?


  1. Why do people often use robots to work on the bottom of the ocean or inside volcanoes?


  1. How can people make washing machines useful?


  1. Can robots bring us fun? Give an example.



Write sentences about what robots will be able to do or will not be able to do in the year 2050, using “will be able to” or “won’t be able to” and the clues given.

  • do all the housework
  • have conversations with us
  • guard all our houses, offices, and factories
  • examine our health
  • give us medicines for our illnesses
  • take care of sick people
  • look after small children and old people
  • give lessons in classrooms
  • help students do their homework
  • design other robots
  • make planes, ships, spaceships






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