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Test Unit 12 – Bài tập Tiếng Anh 6

 I.Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.

  1. A.house              B.mouse                  C.shout                            D.ought
  2. A.noise               B.soil                        C.doing                            D.boil
  3. A.could               B.our                        C.should                          D.would
  4. A.so                      B.told                       C.now                               D.go
  5. A.lesson               B.house                   C.sound                           D.noisy

II.Find one odd word for each question, and then read them aloud.

  1. A.could               B.will                       C.can                                D.run
  2. A.love                 B.like                        C.enjoy                            D.hate
  3. A.wasteful         B.useful                   C.helpful                         D.careful
  4. A.expensive       B.useful                   C.costly                           D.noisy
  5. A.feeling             B.emotion               C.thinking                       D.activity

III.Choose the correct answers.

  1. Robots can ____our houses when we are away.

      A.see                          B.guard                            C.look at                          D.look

  1. In the future, robots will be able to do more ____things for us.

      A.easy                        B.harder                           C.complicated                D.much difficult

  1. I don’t agree ____you that robots will be able to write a letter to an English friend.

      A.of                            B.about                            C.to                                   D.with

  1. They will be very useful because they will be able to do ____everything for us.

      A.most                        B.most of                         C.almost                          D.almost of

  1. “Do you think robots can work longer than people _____getting tired?”

      A.but                          B.with                               C.without                         D.of

  1. My father always _______coffee at home instead of going to the coffee shop.

      A.do                            B.does                              C.make                             D.makes

  1. Robots will be able to _____the personal computer in the future.

      A.do                            B.replace                         C.make                             D.recognise

  1. Nowadays robots can’t talk to people or play sport,but in the future I think they______  .

      A.can                          B.could                            C.will                               D.do

  1. “Will robots be able ______our voices?”

      A.to recognise           B.recognising                  C.to recognising             D.for recognising

  1. Robots can’t talk to people or recognise our voices, but scientists are working _______the solution.

      A.at                             B.on                                  C.in                                   D.with

  1. Many people think spending money on robots is a complete ______of time and money.

   A. cut                             B.number                         C.waste                            D.amount

22. “ ______you walk when you were two?”

      A.Can                         B.Could                            C.Will                              D.Do

  1. These robots can do many things for the ______such as cleaning streets or watering plants.

      A.common                 B.best                               C.human                          D.public

  1. Home robots can do things _____repairing things around the house or looking after the garden.

      A.such                        B.like                                C.with                              D.of

  1.  ______do you think about the new kinds of robots?”

      A.How                        B.What                             C.Why                              D.When

  1. Our future robot will be able to help us _________the gardening.

      A.do                            B.make                             C.try                                 D.plant

  1. “Robots are helping us a lot in industry, education, and in our house” – “ ________

      A.I agree with you                                              B.I hope not

      C.Do you agree with that?                                D.What about you?

  1. “We waste a lot of money and time researching and making robots” “ _____“.

      A.I think not.             B.I don’t think so.           C.I agree with.                 D.I don’t hope so.

  1. We must be careful because some people may use robots _______.

      A.do good things      B.to do good things        C.do bad things              D.to do bad things

  1. Robots will be very useful for our lives but they use _______energy.

      A.some                       B.a little                           C.                                      D.too much

IV. Write sentences with “can/ could/ will be able to”, using the information about robots in the table.

– (31) lift heavy things

– (32) make and serve coffee

– (33) answer the door

– (34) guard the house

– (35) understand what we say

– (36) do the gardening

– (37) greet people in English

– (38) take care of the house

– (39) play football

– (40) design other robots

    1. _________________________________________________________
    2. _________________________________________________________
    3. _________________________________________________________
    4. _________________________________________________________
    5. _________________________________________________________
    6. _________________________________________________________
    7. _________________________________________________________
    8. _________________________________________________________
    9. _________________________________________________________
    10. _________________________________________________________

VComplete the conversations with the phrases in the box, expressing your opinion.

    1. A: Robots make our lives easier and more comfortable.


    1. A: Robots can work everywhere in the world, including on the seabed or in a volcano.


    1. A: Teaching robots can explain the lessons again or help students with their homework.


    1. A: Worker robots will be able to play sports.


    1. A: Home robots will be able to have conversations with us.


VI. Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word.

      1. I think robots are very useful ______they won’t be able to do all of our work.
      2. ________the bed when you get out of your bedroom.
      3. Space robots can build space _______on the Moon, and on many other planets.
      4. Home robots can cook, make tea, or________  the laundry.
      5. _______robots will be able to do most of our work and we will live more comfortably.
      6. Our class are talking about the ________of robots in the future.
      7. Robots will be able to _______our voices.
      8. We think home robots will be _______able to do all of our work at home, and there will be for us to do.
      9. They will be able to do many things _______humans.
      10. Now robots can _______the house and catch any robber trying to enter it.

      VII.Fill in each blank with the phrases in the box to complete the conversation.

  1. John:        Today we will have a discussion about robots. Do we need robots? What is John your opinion, Peter?

    Peter:        Well, I think robots are now very useful because they can help us do many things, especially simple and repeated jobs. But they will never be able to do all of our work. (56)                                                , Mary?

    Mary:       (57)                                         . Robots are only machines, so they can’t do creative and difficult jobs.

    John:        (58)                             you, Tom?

    John:        (59)                             . In the past, robots could only do simple things, but in the future they will be more “intelligent” and will be able to understand what we say, talk to us, and do most of our work.

    Mai:          (60)                                         . And our life will be more comfortable and interesting.

    VIII.Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage.

    Rescue robots (61)         hi-tech toys, but we are now using more robotic planes, helicopters. We can use them after storms, earthquakes, or fires to provide us with important (62)                      . They have cameras and microphones that help rescue workers understand how much damage (63)                      and (64)        where the victims are. These planes work (65)                   between 30 and 120 metres in the air and they can rescue people in somewhere very dangerous.

    1. A. look                B. look like                                           C.looks like       D.look at
    2. A. information  B. newspapers                     C.ideas               D.thing
    3. A. there               B. it was                                                C.there has         D.there is
    4. A. find                 B. find out                          C.finds                 D.finds out
    5. A. much      B.more           C.the best                        D.best

IX. Read the passage, and then decide whether the statements are True or False.

  1.       In South Korea, the robot Olympics takes place every year. It brings together groups from around the world who are interested in robots. At the event, people of all ages can take part in the competition. Children as young as six years old build and make programmes for robots that can do all kinds of things such as running or kicking a ball – that’s very useful in sports.        a bar

    Robot Wars is another form of entertainment for robot lovers. It is a TV show and remote-controlled robot toy cars take part in games. The most popular game is when teams of people make the toy cars fight each other until there is the only one that can run – the winner. The first Robot Wars competition was held in San Francisco in August, 1994. People from over 45 countries, including Britain, Sweden, Italy and China now can watch that TV show.

    Questions:                                                                                                                      True/ False

    1. The robot Olympics takes place every four years. ________
    2. Only the teams from South Korea take part in the robot Olympics. ________
    3. Robot lovers are people who are interested in designing, making, using ________

    and watching robots.

    1. Old and young children can build robots at the event. ________
    2. Robots at the robot Olympics can be useful in sports. ________
    3. Remote-controlled cars take part in the Robot Wars competitions. ________
    4. The first Robot Wars competition was held in the USA. ________
    5. People in Asia do not watch the Robot Wars competitions. ________
    6. People from many countries in the world can watch the Robot Wars

    competitions on TV.                                                                                                ________

    1. Robots can be used for fun. ________

    X.Make sentences using the words and phrases given.

    1. Robots/ not only/ talk/ people/ but/ understand/ what/ they/ think.


    1. Robots/recognize/ our voices/ faces/ they/ not/ think/ like/ humans.


    1. You/ think/ robots/ build houses/ sea/ us?


    1. I/ agree/ you/ that/ life/ more comfortable/ future.


    1. More people/ lose/ jobs/ robots/ do/ many kinds/ jobs.


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