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Unit 7: Television – Bài tập Tiếng Anh 6


I.Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.

  1. A. when               B. where                           C.best                                     D.detective
  2. A. weather          B. newsreader                 C.teaching                             D.repeat
  3. A. clumsy            B. cute                                C.but                                      D.just
  4. A. earth                B.thanks                            C.feather                                D.theater
  5. A.the                     B.think                               C.with                                    D.they

II.Put the words in the correct column according to the pronunciation of the underlined part.


I. Match the words in A with the appropriate words in B to form the correct phrase.

1. filmchannel1.
2. cartooncontrol2.
3. internationaltelevision3.
4. remoteshow4.
5. gamecharacter5.
6. newsbutton6.
7. localdirector7.
8. volumeprogramme8.

II. Put the words or phrases in the box in the correct column. We can put some words in more than one column.


PeopleProgrammesKinds of film



























III.      Choose the word from the box for each description below.

  1. _____: an amusing play or film with a happy ending.
  2. _____: a funny TV show in which the same characters appear in each programme in a different story.
  3. _____: a television programme where people get points by answering questions or doing things.
  4. _____: a television programme that gives facts or information about a subject.
  5. _____: a play for the theatre, television or radio.
  6. _____: a television programme to give the description of the weather for the next few days.
  7. _____: a competition on TV in which people try to answer questions to test their knowledge.
  8. _____: a television programme telling us about the life of birds, elephants, tigers, lions, and so on.
  9. _____: a television programme for schools, and students.
  10. _____: the important items of news read on television.
  11. _____: a person who introduces guests at the right time at an important event.
  12. _____: a programme that tells a story by using moving pictures.

IV. Match the questions with the answers.

                1. What is the name of your favourite TV programme?a) Because they are colourful and funny.
                2. Why do you like the programme?b) It’s Steven Spielberg.
                3. How many hours a day do you watch?c) In California, USA.
                4. What time is the cartoon on?d) In  1926.
                5. Who is the director of the film?e) Because it is very exciting.
                6. What channel is the film on?f) Twice a week, usually at weekend.
                7. Why do you like cartoons?g) About two hours a day.
                8. When did John Logie Baird make the first TV set?h) It’s the Science programme.
                9. How often do you watch football on TV?i) It’s on VTV3
                10. Where is Hollywood?j) It’s at 7:30 pm.

V. Make questions for the underlined part in each sentence.

  1. I like TV game shows best.


  1. TV viewers can know about the weatherin their regions from the weather forecast.


  1. We go to the zoo twice a month.


  1. We can meet in front of the theater at 7.30.


  1. Bob likes the comedy because it makes him laugh.


  1. The documentary lasts forty-five minutes.


  1. Steven Spielberg is the director of the film.


  1. On VTV3, there are three films on this week.


  1. Millions of children around the world enjoy the cartoon “Hello Fatty!”


  1. Pokémon cartoons are made in Japan.


VI. Complete the sentences with and, so, but or because.

  1. I didn’t feel well _____I stayed at home.
  2. He liked her _____she was happy.
  3. I liked Spain ______ I wanted to go home.
  4. She likes swimming ______jogging.
  5. We were late ______there was an accident.

VII.     Match the sentence halves, writing the answer in each blank.

_____ 1. I looked for the key,                a. and had to stay at home.

_____ 2 . My friends were ill                b. because I studied very hard.

_____ 3. I got good marks on the test c. so we couldn’t be home by eleven.

_____ 4. The film started at ten,          d. so I couldn’t buy anything.

_____ 5. She likes you a lot                   e. but I just couldn’t find it.

_____ 6. I lost my money,                      f. because she thinks you are very intelligent.

VIII.   Match the sentence halves in column A and column B to make correct sentences, writing the answer in each blank.

           1.The film isn’t very gooda) so will not watch it.
           2.That TV channel attracts millions of TV viewersb) so he can’t watch his favourite programme.
           3. Although the football matches on TV are very late,c) and it got many international prizes.
           4. Life is more comfortable nowd) because he likes discovering the universe.
           5. The film Titanic was directed by James Cameron,e) many people stay up late to watch them.
6. That programme is very boringf) but the Science programme is on VTV2.
           7. Tom often watches the programme “Journey to Jupiter”g) I don’t have time to watch it very often.
           8. The game show “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire” is on VTV3h) and I don’t enjoy it very much.
           9. Nam is going to take a test tomorrowi)because it offers many different interesting programmes.
           10. Although I like the Disney Channel very much,j) but neighbours don’t spend much time together.

IX. Match the beginnings (1-5, 6-10) with the correct endings (a-e, f-j), and write the answer in each blank.

___ 1 . I want to see a British film and                     a) I don’t know which one.

___ 2 . I want to see a British film but                      b) they are always funny.

___ 3 . I want to see a British film or                        c) let’s see what’s on at the cinema.

___ 4 . I want to see a British film, so                       d) an American one. I want to see two films.

___ 5 . I want see British films, because                  e) an American one. I don’t mind.

___ 6. They’re listening to music and                      f) I don’t think it’s rock music.

___ 7 . They’re listening to music, but                      g) it’s very exciting.

___ 8 . They’re listening to music, or                        h) watching TV – I’m not sure.

___ 9 . They’re listening to music, so                        i) they can’t hear me.

___ 10. They’re listening to music, because             j) playing computer games at the same time.


I.Complete the conversation with the clauses below. Then practice it with your partner.

Diana       Hi. Jim, did you enjoy the film last night?

Jim           We didn’t see it because (1)__________________________ .

Diana       Why didn’t you ask someone the way?

Jim           Well, we asked an old lady and (2)____________________ .

Diana       So what was the problem?

Jim           She gave us directions but (3)________________________ .

Diana       The wrong cinema? What did you do?

      Jim           We didn’t want to see the film there so (4)_______________ .

II.Complete the conversation with the phrases below. Then practice it with your partner.

Lien:        (1)                                           of TV programs do you like best?

Hong:       I like to watch women’s program best. (2)                                                ?

Lien:        I prefer listening to music.

Hong:       There is a good music performance at Lan Anh Club this weekend.

(3)                                           to go with me?

Lien:        I’d love to, but (4)                                         . I have to go to my cousin’s birthday party on Saturday evening.

Hong:       (5)                                           go on Sunday.

Lien:        That’s great.


I.Reading the passage, and answer the questions.

Today, there is a TV set in nearly every home. People watch television every day, and some people watch it from morning until night. Americans watch television about 35 hours a week. But is television good or bad for you? People have different answers. Some say that there is a lot of violence on TV today, the programs are terrible and people don’t get any exercise because they only sit and watch TV. Others think that TV programs bring news from around the world, help you learn many useful things, especially children. Thanks lo television, people learn about life in other countries, and it helps people relax after a long day of hard work.

  1. Is television very popular nowadays? Why?


  1. How many hours do Americans watch TV a day?


  1. Why don’t some people like watching television?


  1. What does television bring to you?


  1. What do you learn from television?


II.Read the article and then decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).

Information about what happens in the world comes to us in many ways. Television and radio are two important ways of the news. They get the news out faster than the newspapers and magazines, and they don’t have to be read. Television and radio stations broadcast the news several times each day. In America, there are the news programmes every hour. People can choose the favourite TV programmes, such as sports, films, fashion, news, etc. People who cannot read get the news from television or radio easily.                                                                                                                   

III.Read the text and tell the names of the people in Bart Simpson’sfamily and their jobs.

Bart Simpson is the star of the Simpsons, a popular American TV programme. Eleven million Americans watch it every week. The Simpsons live in Springfield and Bart goes to Springfield Elementary School. He’s very lazy and he isn’t popular with the teachers, but his classmates like him. Bart has two sisters, Lisa and Maggie. Lisa is very intelligent and she studies hard. Maggie is a baby. Bart’s parents are Homer and Marge. Homer works at a power station from Monday to Friday and watches TV at weekends. Marge stays at home with Maggie.

  1. Bart Simpson: _________________________________
  2. His two sisters: ________________________________
  3. His father: ____________________________________
  4. His mother: ___________________________________


Write a short paragraph about your favourite TV programme. Use the clues given.

  1. What is the name of your favourite TV programme?

– Game show: Children are Always Right.

  1. What is it about?

– To test your general knowledge about nature, science, etc.

  1. What channel is it on?

– On VTV3.

  1. When is it broadcast?

– At 8.30 pm on Saturday.

  1. Why do you like it?

– Useful, interesting, and exciting.

  1. What can you learn from the programme?

– Interesting facts about the nature, and the world.

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