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Unit 8: Looking back

 1. Find one odd word / phrase in each question.

1. A. volleyball            B.vbadminton         C. bicycle 

2. A. playground        B. ball                      C. racket

3. A. running              B. cycling                 C. driving

4. A. sports shoes     B. winter sports      C. goggles

5. 4 sporty                  B. intelligent           C.     fit


1. C          2. A           3. A         4.B        5.B

2. Put the correct form of the verbs play, do or go in the blanks.

1. Duong can ................ karate.

2. Duy isn't reading now. He........... table tennis with his friend.

3. Michael ............ swimming nearly every day.

4. Phong didn't play football yesterday. He ........... fishing.

5. Khang ............  volleyball last Saturday.

6. The girLs ............ aerobics in the playground now.

=> Answer: 

1. do        2. is playing     3.  goes   

4. went     5. played         6. is doing

3. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

1. The first Otympic Games (take)............. place in Greece in 776 BC.

2. People (start) ........... to use computers about 50 years ago.

3. My brother (not like) .................. to play games when he was small.

4. - What ........ you (do) ............. last weekend?

- I (cycle)............  round the lake with my friends. Then I (watch).............  TV in the afternoon.

=> Answer: 

1. took      2. started       3. didn't like        4. did you do      5. cycled/ watched

4. What do you say in these situations?

1. Your friends are making a lot of noise.

+ Please, stop ............ 

2. The boy is watching TV for too long.

=> .................... to play with your friends.

3. Some children are feeding the animals at the zoo, but it is not allowed.

=> ...........................  the animals.

4. The teacher wants the boys to stand in line.

=> .........................................................

5. Your mother tells you not to touch the dog.

=> ......................

=> Answer:

1. Please, stop making noise

2. You should go out to play with your friends

3. Please don't feed the animals

4. Stand in line, please

5. You shouln'd touch the dog

5. Fill each blank with ONE word to complete the passage.

Sports and games are very importart in our lives. We all can (1) ........... a sport, or a game, or watch sports events on TV or at the stadium. When you listen to the radio every day, you can always (2) ..............  sports news. When you open a newspaper, you will always find an article about your (3)......... kind of game. Television Programmes about (4)............ are also very popular, and you can watch something interesting every day. Stories about (5)  ............ sports stars are often very interesting.

=> Answer:

1. play       2. hear       3. favourite        4. sports     5. famous

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