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Unit 8: Skills 2

 1.Listen to the passages. Who are they about? 

=> Answer: Favorite sport

2. Listen to the passages again. Then tick (“) T (True) or F (False) for each sentence. 

1. The passages are about two sportsmen.  
2. Hai goes cycling at the weekend.  
3. Hai’s favourite sport is karate.  
4. Alice doesn’t like doing sport very much  
5. Alice plays computer games every day.  

=> Answer:   1. F      2. T        3. T        4. T        5. F (sometimes)

3. Listen again and fill each blank with a word to complete each sentence. 

1. Hai plays ............. at school.

2. Hai practises karate at the club ........ times a week

3. ............. likes watching sport on TV.

4. Alice plays .............. every Saturday.

=> Answer:  1. volleyball      2. three     3. Alice         4. chess

4. Work in pairs. Tak about the sport / game you like. Use the following questions as cues.

- What is the name of the sport / game?

- How many players are there?

- How often do you play it?

- What equipment does it need?

=> Answer: 

- Badminton

- 2 players 

- i play it  three times a week

- 2 racquets and 1 birdie/ shuttlecock

5. Write a paragraph of 40-50words about the sport / game you talked about in 4.

You can also refer to the listening passages.

=> Answer: 

I play badminton after school. There are two players: my friend and me. I play badminton three times a week. To play badminton, i need two racquets and one shuttlecock

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