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Unit 1: A closer look 1

 1. Listen and repeat the word

[Kết nối tri thức và cuộc sống] Tiếng Anh 6 unit 1: A closer look 1

2. Work in pairs. Put the words in 1 in the correct columns


=> Answer:

footballexerciseschool lunchEnglish

3. Put one of these words in each blank.

lessons       science      homework      football     exercise

1. Vy and I often do our............. after school

2. Nick plays......... for the school team.

3. Mrs. Nguyen teaches all my history.........

4. They are healthy. They do........ every day.

5. I study maths, English and......... on Mondays.

=> Answer: 

1. Homework       2. football      3. lessons       4. exercise      5. science 

4. Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the sounds /a:/ and /^/

[Kết nối tri thức và cuộc sống] Tiếng Anh 6 unit 1: A closer look 1

5. Listen and repeat. Then listen again and underline the words with the sounds /a:/ and /^/

1. My brother has a new compass

2. Our classroom is large

3. They look smart on their firstday at school

4. The art lesson starts at nine o'clock

5. He goes out to have lunch every Sunday

=> Answer

/a:/ : large, classroom, start, smart, art

/^/: sunday, lunch, compass

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