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Unit 1: Getting started

 1. Listen and read

2. Read the conversation again and tick T (True) or F (Fasle)

1. Vy, Phong, and Duy go to the sarne school.  
2. Duy is Phong's friend.  
3. Phong says Duy looks smart in his uniform.  
4. They have new subjectsto study.  
5. Phong is wearing a school uniform.  

=> Answer:

1. T      2.F     3.T     4. F     5. F

3. Write ONE word from the box in each gap

go    subject    has   wear     uniforms

1, Students ...... their uniforms on Monday.

2. Vy....... a new friend, Duy.

3. - Do Phong Vy and Duy............ to the same school?

~ Yes, they do.

4. Students always look smart in their.............

5. - What ........ do you like to study?

- I Like to study English and history.

=> Answer: 

1. Wear     2. has      3. go       4. uniforms     5. subject

4. Match the words with the school things. Then listen and repeat

[Kết nối tri thức và cuộc sống] Tiếng Anh 6 unit 1: Getting started

 => Answer: 

1. School bag     2. Compass         3. Pencil sharpener

4. rubber             5. pencil case     6. calculator

5. Look around the class. Write the names of the things you see in your notebook

=> Answer: 

Chairs, tables, clock, school bags, board, books, pen, flower pot

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