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Unit 3: Getting started

 1. Listen and read

2. Fill the blanks with the words from the conversation.

1. Phong and Nam are having a .........

2. 4Teen is Phong's .......:

3. Phong and Nam see....... and......

4. Chau has....... and ..........

5. Mai and Chau ........ the bookshop.

=> Answer:

1. picnic             2. magazine       3. Mai and Chau       

4. glasses/ long black hair            5. are going to

3. Label the body parts with the words in the box

[Kết nối tri thức và cuộc sống] Tiếng Anh 6 unit 3: Getting started

=> Answer: 

1. eye      2. nose      3. shoulder         4. hand       5. leg

6. foot      7.arm       8.mouth             9.cheek          10. hair

* Another words for body parts: ear, head, eyebrow, finger, butt, chest,...

4. Work in groups. Complete the word webs

[Kết nối tri thức và cuộc sống] Tiếng Anh 6 unit 3: Getting started

=> Answer: 

Long/short: leg, finger..

Big/small: hand, foot, face, head..

Hair: long, short, black, straight..

5. Work in groups. Take turns to describe a classmate. Other group members guess who he/she is

=> Answer: Học sinh tự thực hành trên lớp

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