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Unit 3: Looking back

 1 Choose the correct answer A,B, or C.

1 Nick is very .......... He makes everyone laugh!

A. confident               B. funny               C. active

2. My sister always does her homework before class. She's very ..............

A. hard-working       B. creative       C. careful

3. Mi is ......... She helps me with  my homework.

A. hard-working      B friendly           C kind

4. He is a.......  Person. He cares  about everybody.

A. caring                    B. friendly          C. clever

5. My best friend is very ........... She likes doing activities.

A creative                  B. dever              C. active

=> Answer:  1.B     2.A       3. C         4.A       5.C

2. Answer questions about your classmates.

1. Who has bong hair in your dass?

2. Who has a small nose?

3. Who has a round face?

4. Does the classmate next to you have long hair?
5. Does the classmate next to you have big eyes?
=> Answer: Học sinh tự trả lời câu hỏi

3. Put the verbs in brackets in the present continuous.

This is my class during break time. Some boys (1. run)...... around the class. Mi and Mai (2. talk) ...... Nam and Phong (3. not talk) :

They (4. draw)...... something. My teacher is in the classroom too. She (5. not teach) , She's writing our homework on the board.

=> Answer: 
1. are running            2. are talking         3. aren't talking      
4. are drawing            5. isn't teaching

4. Put the verbs in brackets in the present simple or present continuous.

1. A: What ........ you (do)......... ?

B: I (write)........... an email to my friend.

2. A: Mai usually (cycle)....... to school.

B: Really? I (not cycle)........ I (walk)......... every day.

3. A: Where is Phong? .......... he (do) ........... his homework?

B: No, he (read).......... a book in the living room

=> Answer: 

1. are you doing?/ am writing

2. cycles/ don't cycle/ walk

3. Is he doing?/ is reading

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