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Unit 6: Our Tet holiday – Bài tập Tiếng Anh 6


I.Put the words in the correct column according to the pronunciation of the underlined part.

II.Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.

  1. A.special        B.spring                           C.she                                  D.sugar
  2. A.cheer          B.child                              C.peach                             D.chorus
  3. A.tradition    B.condition                      C.celebration                    D.question
  4. A.blossom     B.discussion                     C.rooster                           D.compass
  5. A.rice             B.celebrate                       C.calendar                        D.smile


I.Put the words from the box in the appropriate rows of verbs.

go to               _____________________________________________________________________

decorate        _____________________________________________________________________

hang               _____________________________________________________________________

buy                 _____________________________________________________________________

visit                _____________________________________________________________________

cook               _____________________________________________________________________

II.Answer the questions.

  1. Lan’s Vietnamese. Where is she from?


  1. Alan’s Australian. Where is he from?


  1. Nancy is from Canada. What’s her nationality?


  1. Yoko comes from Japan. What’s her nationality?


  1. Laura and her friends come from the USA. What is their nationality?


  1. He’s from Hong Kong. What’s his nationality?


  1. He’s Brian. He’s from Australia. What’s his nationality?


  1. His name’s John. He’s from Scotland. What’s his nationality?


  1. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are from Toronto, Canada. What language do they speak?


  1. But Michel is from Quebec, Canada. What language does he speak?


III.Fill in each blank with “should” or “shouldn’t‘.

  1. The students  ______make so much noise.
  2. The film is interesting. You  _____go and see it.
  3. Tom  _____drive carefully. The traffic is very heavy.
  4. You  _____smoke so much.
  5. You  _____give up smoking.
  6. You  _____spend more time on your homework.
  7. The English girl wants to live in Viet Nam. She _____learn Vietnamese.
  8. He  _____drink so much coffee before bedtime.
  9. Tom has a bad toothache. He  ______go to the dentist’s.
  10. You______go to bed so late every night.

IV. Complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t.

  1. A: I don’t feel very well.

B: You                  go to bed early.

  1. A: We’re bored.

B: You                  watch so much TV.

  1. A: There’s a new girl at school called Susanna.

B: You                   invite her to our class.

  1. A: don’t understand my Maths homework.

B: You                   ask your teacher to explain it again.

  1. A: I can’t fall asleep at night.

B: You                   drink so much coffee.

  1. A: I don’t have any money.

B: You                  buy so many DVDs.

  1. A: I’m going to live in France for a year.

B: You                  learn some French.

  1. A: I got a bad mark in my Science test.

B: You                   study more.

V.Write pieces of advice for these situations, using should or shouldn’t and the words given in brackets.

Example: I feel awfully tired.

                 You should go to bed early.

  1. My tooth is aching again. (not eat so many sweet things)


  1. I have to get up very early tomorrow. (set the alarm clock)


  1. I am putting on weight. (do more exercise)


  1. I don’t feel well. (stay at home)


  1. I think I’m short-sighted. (go to the doctor’s)


  1. I have a pain in my chest. (see a doctor)


  1. I lent a friend my English book, but he hasn’t given it back. (ask him for it)


  1. I have some difficult questions. (work in a group)



I.Match the sentences to make conversations, writing the answer in each blank. Then practise them.

Answer                                  A                                                                       B

______                     1. I’m tired.                                a. You shouldn’t talk in class.

______              2. I have a headache.                      b. You should take it to the vet.

_____       3. My teacher’s angry with me.             e. You should take an umbrella.

_____                       4. My cat’s ill.                            d. You shouldn’t eat so much.

_____        5. It’s raining outside.                            e. You shouldn’t go to bed so late.

_____   6. There’s lots of food during the Tet holiday. f. You should take an aspirin.

II.Arrange the sentences in the correct order to make a conversation between Mai and Michiko. Mai asks Michiko about how people in Japan celebrate the New Year. Write the answer in each blank, then practise the conversation.

  1. It’s on January 1st. It lasts three days through January 3rd.
  2. They watch television and then television will broadcast 108 bells. As soon as the 108th bell is rung, people all say “Happy New Year “.
  3. What do they usually do next?
  4. Yes, they usually decorate their houses with some pine trees on both sides of he door. People also exchange cards and presents.
  5. What do people do to celebrate the New Year?
  6. They clean and decorate their houses a few days before the New Year.
  7. Could you tell me something about Japanese Year? When is the New Year?
  8. Some families put on special kimonos to go to visit pagodas. Then they come home and eat the special New Year’s Day’s food and drink a lot of rice wine.
  9. Do they decorate the houses with trees and flowers?
  10. I see. And what do they usually do on the New Year’s Eve?

III.Talk to your classmates which things you will do or won’t do this New Year.

  1. Visit your grandparents.
  2. Visit your relatives.
  3. Go out on New Year’s Eve to watch fireworks.
  4. Go shopping with your mother.
  5. Buy fireworks.
  6. Buy red envelopes for lucky money.
  7. Go to the department stores with your mother to buy new clothes.
  8. Help your mother to cook traditional food.
  9. Welcome the Tet holiday with your parents at home.
  10. Keep your lucky money in the piggy bank.
  11. Plant some young trees.
  12. Help your mother to clear the table after the meal.
  13. Help your parents cook banh chung.
  14. Help your father repaint the house.
  15. Eat banh chung on the Lunar New Year’s Day.
  16. Kill a rooster, and take some red feathers from the rooster and stick them to the drawings of the sum in your house.
  17. Throw water over other people.
  18. Wait for the first footer.
  19. Wish your family members good health and good luck.


I. Read the passage and then decide whether the sentences a True or False.

Viet Nam’s New Year is known as Tet. It begins between January twenty-first and nineteenth. The exact date changes from year to year. Tet lasts ten days. The first three days are the most important. Vietnamese people believe that what people do during those days will influence the whole year. As a result, they make every effort to avoid arguments and smile as much as possible. Vietnamese people believe that the first person through the door on New Year’s Day can bring either good or bad luck. Children receive lucky money as they do in other countries.

  1. Tet occurs in late January or early February. __________
  2. There are two weeks for Lunar New Year. __________
  3. People should not argue with each other at Tet. __________
  4. The first visitor on New Year’s Day brings good or bad luck. __________
  5. Only children in Viet Nam get lucky money. __________

II.Read the passage, and answer the questions.

It’s Christmas Day now. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are buying some presents for the family and their friends. They have got a new TV set and some records for dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Green live in Scotland and they are staying the Browns in London at Christmas. Mr. Green is decorating the Christmas tree in the sitting-room. Mrs. Green is putting some Christmas and colourful lights on it. All people are very happy.

  1. What are Mr. and Mrs. Brown doing?


  1. Where are Mr. and Mrs. Green staying?


  1. What is Mr. Green doing?


  1. What is Mrs. Green doing?


III.Read the following passage, and decide the statements below are True (T) or False (F).

On Christmas Eve, everything is hurried and busy. Offices and public buildings close at one o’clock, but the shops stay open later. Most big cites, especially London, are decorated with colored lights across the streets and enormous Christmas trees. The trains, and buses are crowded with people traveling from all parts of the country to be at home for Christmas.

In the homes, there is a great air of expectation. The children are also decorating the house with colored lights. Christmas cards – with the words “Merry Christmas to You” or “Wishing You a Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year”, or “With the Compliments of the Season”, etc. – are arranged on shelves, tables, and sometimes hung around the walls.

Meanwhile, the housewife is probably busy in the kitchen getting things ready for the next day’s dinner. The Christmas turkey is being prepared, the pudding is inspected and the cake is got out of its tin.

In small towns and villages, one may still see carol-singers who come and stand in front of the house and sing or play Christmas carols. They collect money in a Christmas box. The money collected is to help old people.

  1. The shops close at one o’clock on Christmas Eve. __________
  2. Colored lights are decorated across streets in big cities. __________
  3. People expect to be at home on Christmas Eve. __________
  4. Trains and buses are almost empty on Christmas Eve. __________
  5. Colored lights are also decorated at homes. __________
  6. Christmas cards only have wishes for Christmas. __________
  7. Turkey and pudding are traditional food at Christmas. __________
  8. We can see carol-singers in the countryside. __________
  9. The carol-singers collect money for themselves. __________
  10. The money collected is used for a good purpose.

IV. Choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D for each of the gaps to complete the following text.

It is a custom for all (1)             of a Chinese family to be present at home on the Eve of Chinese New Year for the family gathering. This custom is meant to show the unity of the family for the (2)              new year. On the (3)           five days of the Chinese New Year, no one in the family is allowed to sweep the floor. The Chinese believe that sweeping the floor (4)                     drive away all good (5)      that the New Year can bring.

  1. A. people         B. members                     C. friends                               D. characters
  2. A. to come      B. come                            C. comes                                D. coming
  3. A. one              B. first                              C.next                                    D. all
  4. A.should         B. must                             C. will                                    D. mustn’t
  5. A. luck             B. money                         C.news                                   D. time

V.Fill in each blank of the passage with the words in the box.

In Canada and the United States, (1)               of the most popular days in the year is Halloween. Halloween is on October 31st. It is a day (2)                         some people dress up in (3)                                   or unusual costumes. For example, they may dress up to look (4)               an animal, a person from a book or a movie or a famous person from history. In some places, children go to school in their Halloween costumes. After (5)                    many young children (6)                   on their costumes and visit their neighbors. They knock on the door and shout “Trick or Treat!” Then the neighbors give them some (7)                                , and the children go on to the (8)                         house. Adults also enjoy dressing up for Halloween. There are usually Halloween (9)                            in the evening and usually there is a (10)                 for the best or most unusual costumes.


Write two paragraphs about how people in Viet Nam and in Japan celebrate the New Year, using the information from the table.

AspectsThe VietnameseThe Japanese
Preparations– clean the house

– decorate the house with peach blossoms and apricot blossoms

– cook special foods

– clean the house

–         – decorate the house with pine trees

–         – cook special foods

Activities on New Year’s Eve– meet together and wait for the New Year to come

– exchange good wishes

– give lucky money to children

– go to the pagoda

– watch TV and listen to the bell ringing

– visit the pagoda

Foods and clothes– eat banh chung or banh tet

– put on best clothes or traditional clothes

– eat special foods and drink rice wine

– wear kimonos or special dress

People to celebrate with– among family members– among family members







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