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Test Unit 5 – Bài tập Tiếng Anh 6


I.Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.

  1. A. red          B. tent                               C.end                                 D.forest
  2. A. lake         B. bag                               C.take                                D.nature
  3. A. island     B. plaster                         C.cost                                 D.longest
  4. A. map        B. area                              C.hat                                  D.plan
  5. A. post         B. cost                               C.question                        D.coast

II. Find one odd word for each question, and then read them aloud.

  1. A.forest        B.mountain                      C.lake                                D.city
  2. A.walk          B.compass                       C.plaster                            D.sleeping bag
  3. A.waterfall   B.beach                            C.lake                                D.desert
  4. A.hottest       B.biggest                          C.largest                            D.smaller
  5. A.mountain  B.valley                           C.cave                               D.club

III.Choose the correct answers.

  1. Tra Co beaches beach in Viet Nam.

      A.long                           B.longer                           C.longest                           D.the longest

  1. Mount Everest is the highest mountain the world.

      A.in                                B.on                                  C.at                                    D.of

  1. The islands in Ha Long Bay are named things around us.

      A.in                                B.after                              C.with                                D.at

  1. It is often rainy in Hue, remember to bring an umbrella.

      A.but                             B.or                                   C.so                                    D.must

  1. Which city is :Ha Noi or Ho Chi Minh City?

      A.large                          B.larger                            C.largest                            D.the largest

  1. “Do you finish packing”? – “Yes. All my things are in my 

      A.back                           B.backpack                     C.back pack                      D.plaster

  1. Ha Long Bay is Vietnam’s wonder.

      A.most beautiful natural                                      B.most natural beautiful

      C.the most beautiful natural                                D.the most natural beautiful

  1. The Amazon .

      A.Rainforest                 B.Rainy Forest                C.Wet Forest                    D.Wetter Forest

  1. is a large thick bag for sleeping in, especially when you are camping.

      A.A sleeping bag         B.A sleep bag                  C. A sleepy bag                D.A bag for sleeping

  1. If we had a ,we wouldn’t get los.

      A.backpack                  B.ruler                              C.compass                        D.painkiller

  1. You travel alone to the mountain. Always go in a group.

      A.must                           B.mustn’t                          C.do                                   D.don’t

  1. People think Ayers Rock is in the evening when it is red.

      A.good                          B.better                            C.best                                D.the best

  1. You take a lot of warm clothes when you go to Sa Pa in winter.

      A.must                           B.mustn’t                          C.can                                 D.can’t

  1. Ba Be Lake is the largest lake in Viet Nam.

      A.fresh                          B.freshwater                    C.water                              D.mount

  1. The Imperial City in Hue is the greatest .

      A.tourist attraction      B.tourist attractions       C.tour attraction              D.attraction tourist

  1. Ha Long Bay is the number one in Viet Nam.

      A.nature wonder          B.natural wonder            C.wonderful nature         D.wonder nature

  1. You be late for school. It’s against the school regulations.

      A.must                           B.mustn’t                          C.can                                 D.can’t

  1. You all necessary things along with you before you start your trip.

      A.takes                          B.won’t take                    C.must take                       D.mustn’t take

  1. The boat trip to Ca Mau, the southern tip of Viet Nam, was experience of my life.

      A.good                          B.better                            C.best                                D.the best

  1. You must remember to bring a – it’s very useful when you go into a cave because it’s very dark there.

      A.scissors                     B.torch                             C.clock                              D.compass

IV.Complete each of the following sentences with ONE suitable word.

  1. The Sahara is the world’s _____desert in the world.
  2. Mount Everest is the ____mountain in the world.
  3. The Imperial City is the greatest tourist ____in Hue.
  4. The travel _____will give tourists some advice about the trip to Nha Trang.
  5. Look at the ____, and you can choose where to go for your holiday and a lot of information about the place.

V.Match a travel item in column A with its meaning in column B, and write the answer in each blank.





36. compass

a) a large thick bag for sleeping in, especially when you are camping.


37. backpack

b) medicine used to reduce or remove physical pain.


38. sleeping bag

c) a device for finding direction, with a needle always pointing north


39. painkiller

d) a device used for cutting materials such as paper, cloth or hair


40. scissors

e) a large bag used to carry things on your back


VI.Match the questions in column A with the answers in column B, and write the answer in each blank.





41. What things can you do in Hue?

a) It’s Fansipan.


42. What is the highest mountain in Viet Nam?

b) Travelling by bus is the best way.


43. What is the other name for Ayers Rock?

c) In Ninh Binh Province, about 130 km southwest of Ha Noi.


44. Where is Cuc Phuong National Park?

d) We can visit many museums, art galleries, and temples.


45. What is the best way of travelling in a city?

e) Uluru. Local people call it Uluru.

VII.Complete the conversation with the phrases below.

Mandy     Can I borrow (46)                                               ?

Tom          My motorbike? What for?

Mandy     I have to get something from the shop for Mum.

Tom          OK, all right. But you (47)                                by five. And you must park it behind the house. And you (48)                              faster than 20. And you mustn’t let anyone else ride on it.

Mandy     Anything else?

Tom          Yeah. You (49)                           any of your friends. And you mustn’t take it dirty.

Mandy     Is that all?

Tom          Well, let me think.

Mandy     You know what, Tom

Tom          What?

Mandy     Here’s the shopping list. Go and (50)                          for Mum. And take good care of your motorbike .

Tom          Hey, wait …

VIII.Complete the following passage, using the words in the box.

      Mui Ne is located 24 km north-east of the city of Phan Thiet. It is a fishing village as well as a (51)             tourism area in Binh Thuan Province. It is found on Highway N0. 706, and is famous for sweeping sand dunes and beautiful rows of palm trees. The(52)                                   is shallow and sloped, the (53)                 is clean and blue and the sun rarely hides behind (54)                             .

      Besides beaches and sand dunes, there are also beautiful (55)                              such asSuoi Tien (Fair Spring), the Ong Hoang Building, and the Poshanu Cham Tower.

      It has long been (56)                  the “Hawaii” of Viet Nam. It has (57)                  roads under coconut trees, a beautiful beach and cliffs. The typical scenery of this place lies in the (58)                         lines of golden sand, and when they are (59)                           from distance, they look like moving (60)                      .

IX.Read the passage, and answer the questions.

      The Amazon River in South America is an amazing and important river for the planet.

      The Amazon River carries more water than any other river in the world. In fact, the Amazon River is responsible for twenty percent of fresh water that flows into the world’s oceans.

      The Amazon River is the second longest river in the world (the Nile River in Africa is the longest), and about 6,400 km long.

      The Amazon River has the largest area of land that flows into the river, and more tributaries than any other river in the world – more than 200 tributaries.

  1. How many percentage of fresh water flowing into the world’s oceans is the Amazon River responsible for?


  1. Does the Amazon River carry more water than any other river in the world?


  1. How long is the Amazon River?


  1. What is the longest river in the world?


  1. How many tributaries does it have?


X.Use the following sets of words and phrases to write complete sentences.

  1. Phu Quoc Island/ large/ island/ Viet Nam.


  1. Cuc Phuong National Park/ old/ national park/ Viet Nam.


  1. Cat Tien National Park/ large/ national park/ Viet Nam.


  1. Landmark 72 in Ha Noi/ high/ building/ Viet Nam.


  1. Asia/ big/ continent/ world.


XI. Rewrite the following sentences, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same.

  1. Ho Chi Minh City with the population of over 8 million is bigger than any other cities in Viet Nam.

      Ho Chi Minh City is the __________________________________________________________ .

  1. Angel Falls is over 1,000 feet higher than any other falls in the world.

      Angel Falls is __________________________________________________________________ .

  1. Lake Superior in North America is a freshwater lake; it is larger than any other freshwater lakes in the world.

      Lake Superior in North America is _________________________________________________ .

  1. Remember to bring the compass: if not we will get lost in the forest.

      You must _____________________________________________________________________ .

  1. Take a waterproof coat during your trip to Fansipan Mountain because it is rainy there.

      You _____________________________________________________________________.

  1. It is very important that you arrive on time at school.

_____________________________________________________________________                                           .

  1. It is very dangerous to walk alone after 10 pm in that park.

      You _____________________________________________________________________ .

  1. Taking a boat trip around the islands in Ha Long Bay is the most important thing of the trip.

      You _____________________________________________________________________.

  1. Antarctica is colder than any other place in the world.

      Antarctica is __________________________________________________________________ .

  1. It is wrong of us to write on the walls or tables in our classroom.



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