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Bài tập Tiếng Anh 9 - Unit 6: The environment

 Câu 1. Điền vào chỗ trống.

1. If I (study) _____________ , I (pass) _____________ the exams.

2. If the sun (shine) ____________, we (walk) _____________ to the town.

3. If he (have) __________ a temperature, he (see) ___________ the doctor.

4. If my friends (come) ___________, I (be) ______________ very happy.

5. If she (earn) ___________ a lot of money, she (fly) _____________ to New York.

6. If we (travel) ___________ to London, we (visit) _____________ the museums.

7. If you (wear) __________ sandals in the mountains, you (slip) __________ on the rocks.

8. If you (wear) __________ sandals in the mountains, you (slip) __________ on the rocks.

9. If Rita (forget) ___________ her homework, the teacher (give) _________ her a low mark.

10. If they (go) ________________ to the disco, they (listen) ___________ to loud music.

11. If you (wait) ____________ a minute, I (ask) ______________ my parents.

Câu 2. Điền vào chỗ trống.

1. If it (rain) ______________, the children (not go) ____________ for a walk.

2. If she (not read) ____________ the novel, she (not pass) ____________ the literature test.

3. If I (not argue) _______________ with my father, he (lend) _____________ me his motorbike.

4. If we (take) _____________ the bus, we (not arrive) __________ in time.

5. If Dick (not buy) ___________ the book, his friends (be) _____________ angry with him.

6. If Tom (not tidy up) ______________ his room, Victoria (not help) _______________ him with the muffins.

7. If the boys (not play) ___________ football, the girls (not come) _______________ to the football pitch.

8. If you (eat) _____________ too much junk food, you (not lose) _______________ weight.

9. If I (not make) _______________ breakfast tomorrow morning, my girlfriend (not love) _______________ me anymore.

10. If they (not hurry) ______________, they (not catch) _______________ the train.

11. If we meet at 9:30, we (to have) ___________ plenty of time.

12. If we (to send) _________ an invitation, our friends (to come) _________ to our party.

13. He (not/ to understand) ____________ you if you (to whisper) __________.

14. They (not/ to survive) ________ in the desert if they (not/ to take) __________ extra water with them.

15. If you (to press) __________ CTRL + S, you (to save) __________ the file.

Câu 3 : Chia từ trong ngoặc tính từ hoặc trạng từ sao cho phù hợp

1. He.............reads a book. (quick)

2. Mandy is a.............girl. (pretty)

3. The class is.............loud today. (terrible)

4. Max is a.............singer. (good)

5. You can.............open this tin. (easy)

6. It's a.............day today. (terrible)

7. She sings the song . (good)

8. He is a.............driver. (careful)

9. He drives the car . (careful)

10. The dog barks . (loud)

Câu 4 :

- The bus driver was.............injured. (serious)

- Kevin is.............clever. (extreme)

- This hamburger tastes . (awful)

- Be.............with this glass of milk. It's hot. (careful)

- Robin looks . What's the matter with him? (sad)

- Jack is.............upset about losing his keys. (terrible)

- This steak smells . (good)

- Our basketball team played.............last Friday. (bad)

- Don't speak so . I can't understand you. (fast)

- Maria.............opened her present. (slow)

Câu 5 : Viết câu hoàn chỉnh dùng từ gợi ý.

Ví dụ:


=> It started to rain, so we stopped playing tennis.

1. The weather/bad/we/not enjoy/our holiday.

3. He/work/hard/pass/all his exams.

5. Paul/be/very hungry/eat/like a horse.

2. She/be/tired/go/home.

4. We/want/get a good seat/arrive/the cinema/early.

Đáp án

Câu 1 : 1.study, will pass

1. shines, will walk

2. has, will see

3. come, will be

4. earns, will fly

5. travel, will visit

6. wear, will slip

7. wear, will slip

8. forgets, will give

9. go, will listen

10. wait, will ask

Câu 2. Điền vào chỗ trống.

1. rains, will not go

2. does not read, will not pass doesn't read, won't pass

3. do not argue, will lend don't argue, will lend

4. take, will not arrive take, won't arrive

5. does not buy, will be doesn't buy, will be

6. does not tidy up, will not help doesn't tidy up, won't help

7. do not play, will not come don't play, won't come

8. eat, will not lose eat, won't lose

9. do not make, will not love don't make, won't love

10. do not hurry, will not catch don't hurry, won't catch

11. will have

12. send, will come

13. will not understand, whisper won't understand, whisper

14. will not survive, do not take won't survive, don't take

15. press, will save

Câu 3 :

1. quickly

2. pretty

3. terribly

4. good

5. easily

6. terrible

7. well

8. He is a careful

9. carefully

10. loudly

Câu 4 :











Câu 5 :

- 1.The weather was bad, so we didn't enjoy our holiday.

- 3. He worked hard, so he passed all his exams.

- 5. Paul was very hungry, so he ate like a horse.

- 2. She was tired, so she went home.

- 4. We wanted to get a good seat, so we arrived at the cinema early.

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