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Bài tập Tiếng Anh 9 - Unit 7: Saving energy

 I. Choose the best answer to complete these following sentences.

1. Brian asked Judy________ to dinner and a movie.

A. out     B. on     C. for     D. of

2. My wife backed me _______ over my decision to quit my job.

A. down     B. up     C. of     D. for

3. The racing car _______ after it crashed into the fence.

A. blew out     B. blew over     C. blew up     D. blew down

4. Our car ________ at the side of the highway in the snowstorm.

A. broke into     B. broke away     C. broke in     D. broke down

5. Mike _________ Alaska, so he's used to cold weather.

A. comes over    B. comes in    C. comes across    D. comes from

6. Jane had a difficult childhood. She _______ a broken home.

A. came from    B. came over    C. came in    D. came up with

7. The woman _______ when the police told her that her son had died.

A. broke down    B. broke away    C. broke in    D. broke into

8. Our teacher broke the final project _______ into three separate parts.

A. in    B. into    C. away    D. down

9. Somebody _______ last night and stole our stereo.

A. broke off    B. broke in    C. broke out    D. broke up

10. The firemen had to break _______ the room to rescue the children.

A. off    B. up    C. out    D. into

11. The bomb_______ when he rang the bell.

A. went over    B. went on    C. went out    D. went off

12. No one really believed it when the news came through that the "Titanic" had _______ on her maiden voyage.

A. gone over    B. gone on    C. gone down    D. gone off

13. Does this jacket_______ my trousers?

A. go with    B. go through with    C. go ahead    D. go off

14. He _______ about his new car all the time.

A. goes over    B. goes on    C. goes out    D. goes off

15. Do you think you could _______ this work with me some time, Peter?

A. go over    B. go on    C. go out    D. go off

II. Hãy chọn đáp án đúng:

1. So, we all want Italian, right? How about / Let's / Shall that restaurant near the beach?

2. What can we do this evening? How about / Let's / Shall we watch the game in a bar?

3. I'd like to do something different this weekend. How about / Let's / Shall go sailing.

4. A: Next month we have some days off. Is there anything special you want to do?

B: Yes!How about / Let's / Shall go to Madrid! The Cirque du Solie's new show will be there that week!

5. A: Would you like to go shopping on Saturday?

B: I can't, I don't have much money right now.How about / Let's / Shall hiking? The weather is really nice and it's cheaper.

6. It's warm and sunny. How about / Let's / Shall go roller-skating.

III. Điền vào chỗ trống với các từ sau: although, and, because, but, or, since, so, unless, until, when.

1. Things were different ... I was young.

2. I do it ... I like it.

3. Let us wait here ... the rain stops.

4. You cannot be a lawyer ... you have a law degree.

5. She has not called ... she left last week.

6. I saw him leaving an hour ... two ago.

7. This is an expensive ... very useful book.

8. We were getting tired ... we stopped for a rest.

9. He was angry ... he heard when happened.

10. Walk quickly ... you will be late.

11. He had to retire ... of ill health.

12. We will go swimming next Sunday ... it's raining.

13. I heard a noise ... I turned the light on.

14. Would you like a coffee ... tea?

IV. Viết lại những câu sau đây dùng liên từ thích hợp

1. We know him. We know his friends.

2. The coat was soft. The coat was warm.

3. It is stupid to do that. It is quite unnecessary.

4. I wanted to go. He wanted to stay.

5. Your arguments are b. They don’t convince me.

6. You can go there by bus. You can go there by train.

7. I was feeling tired. I went to bed when I got home.

Đáp án


1. A    2. B    3.C    4. D    5. D

6. A    7.A    8.D    9. B    10. D

11.D    12.C    13.A    14. B    15. A


1. So, we all want Italian, right? How about that restaurant near the beach?

2. What can we do this evening? How about / Let's / Shall we watch the game in a bar?

3. I'd like to do something different this weekend. How about / Let's / Shall go sailing.

4. A: Next month we have some days off. Is there anything special you want to do?

B:Yes!How about / Let's / Shall go to Madrid! The Cirque du Solie's new show will be there that week!

5. A: Would you like to go shopping on Saturday?

B: I can't, I don't have much money right now.How about / Let's / Shall hiking? The weather is really nice and it's cheaper.

6. It's warm and sunny. How about / Let's / Shall go roller-skating.


1. when.    2. because.    3. until.    4. unless    5. since.

6. or.    7. but.    8. so.    9. when.    10. or.

11. because.    12. unless    13. so.    14. or


1. We know him and his friends.

2. The coat was both soft and warm.

3. It is stupid and quite unnecessary to do that.

4. I wanted to go but he wanted to stay.

5. Your arguments are b but they don’t convince me.

6. You can go there either by bus or by train.

7. I was feeling tired so I went to bed when I got home

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