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Unit 4: Neighbourhood – Bài tập Tiếng Anh 6



I.Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.

  1. A. film       B. city                               C. nice                               D. police
  2. A. big        B. wide                              C. quite                              D. exciting
  3. A. cheap    B. sleepy                          C. near                               D. peaceful
  4. A. heavy   B. sea                                C. team                              D. street
  5. A. noisy   B. expensive                     C. house                            D. post

II.Put the word into the correct column according to the underlined part.


I.Write the comparative for of these adjectives.

  1. strong stronger than
  2. crowded more crowded than
  3. tall ________________
  4. noisy ________________
  5. pretty ________________
  6. happy ________________
  7. short ________________
  8. big ________________
  9. modern ________________
  10. friendly ________________
  11. good ________________
  12. bad ________________

II.Use the words and write comparison.

Example: France/ Italy. (large)

                 France is larger than Italy.

  1. Scotland/ Athens. (cold)


  1. Chinese/ English. (difficult)


  1. Jennifer Lopez/ Madonna. (pretty)


  1. Football/ volleyball. (good)


  1. A novel/ a short story. (long)


III.Write sentences, using the comparative of the adjectives.

Example: I/my brother/ thin.

                 I am thinner than my brother.

  1. This book/ that one/ good.


  1. The weather here/ the weather in my hometown/ hot.


  1. A mouse/ a cat/ small.


  1. A radio/ a television/ cheap.


  1. The sun/ the moon/ big.


  1. A mountain/ a hill/ high.


  1. A child/ a man/ young.


  1. A lake/ a sea/ small.


  1. Your hair/ my hair/ long.


  1. French food/ English food/ good.


IV. Complete the following sentences with the comparatives of the adjectives.

  1. This chair is              than that chair.(comfortable)
  2. Your flat is ………….  than mine. (large)
  3. Love is  ………………than money. (important)
  4. Iron is……………….. than wood. (heavy).
  5. My Physics course is………………..  than my Math course. (difficult)
  6. The Nile River is ……………..than the Mississippi. (long)
  7. The dog …………….is  than a cow. (intelligent)
  8. My mother’s cooking is  ………………than my father’s. (good)
  9. My father’s cooking is  ………………..than my mother’s. (bad)
  10. This dress is ………………than that one. (pretty)
  11. A horse is ……………than a man. (strong)
  12. A rose is ………..than a weed. (beautiful)

V.Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives in brackets.

  1. Which river is ……….., the Red River or the Mekong River? (long)
  2. Which country is………… , China or Viet Nam? (big)
  3. Which animals are………… , dogs or dolphins? (intelligent)
  4. Which animals are …………, cats or horses? (fast)
  5. Which is………… , water or oil? (heavy)
  6. Which month in Viet Nam is …………, October or December? (cold)
  7. Which language is……… , Chinese or English? (difficult)
  8. Which city is …………………, London or Rome? (old)
  9. Which city is ………., New York or Paris? (big)
  10. Which mountain is………… , Mount Everest or Mount Fuji? (high)

VI. Write sentences using the words or phrases given.

Example: Her new school/ big/ her old school.

                 Her new school is bigger than her old school.

  1. My father/ old/ Uncle Hung.


  1. She/ tall/ her mother.


  1. Winter/ cold/ spring.


  1. Ha Noi Opera House/ big/ Hai Phong Opera House.


  1. A house in the city centre/ expensive/ a house in the suburb.


  1. My neighbourhood/ crowded/ your neighbourhood.


  1. Travelling by train/ comfortable/ travelling by coach.


  1. Mai/ young/ her sisters.


  1. Hue/ historic/ Hoi An.


  1. Living in the country/ peaceful/ living in the city.


VII.Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the adjectives in brackets.

  1. Our theater is ………………..than our cinema. (big)
  2. Museums are ………..than art galleries. (interesting)
  3. The market is ………..than the shopping centre. (cheap)
  4. The amusement park is …………..than the swimming pool. (noisy)
  5. The French restaurant in our town is………. than the Italian restaurant. (expensive)
  6. Sundays are………….. than Saturdays. (boring)
  7. My mum is …………than my dad. (busy)
  8. My new school is ………..than my old school. (modern)

VIII.Complete the second sentence with the correct form of the opposite adjective.

  1. The museum is bigger than the art gallery.

The art gallery                                                     the museum.

  1. The sports centre is more expensive than the swimming pool.

The swimming pool                                                       the sports centre.

  1. The market is older than the shopping centre.

The shopping centre                                                      the market.

  1. The skate park is noisier than the amusing park.

The amusing park                                                           the skate park.

  1. The food here is worse than my cooking!

My cooking                                                         the food here!

  1. The kitchen is darker than the living room.

The living room                                                  the kitchen.

  1. I’m quieter than my brother.

My brother                                                          I am.

  1. My computer is newer than my mobile phone.

My mobile phone                                                            my computer.

IX. Use the information to make sentences about the Multi-screen Cinema and the Royal Cinema. Use the correct form of the adjectives given.

  1. Drinks in the Multi-screen Cinema are …….. drinks in the Multi-screen.
  2. Drinks in the Royal Cinema……  drinks in the Multi-screen Cinema.
  3. The Multi-screen Cinema……… the Royal Cinema.
  4. The Royal Cinema ……….the Multi-screen Cinema.
  5. The seats in the Multi-screen Cinema ……….the seats in the Royal Cinema.
  6. The staff in the Royal Cinema………… the staff in the Multi-screen Cinema.
  7. In my opinion, the Royal Cinema…………. the Multi-screen Cinema.
  8. In my opinion, the Multi-screen Cinema ………….the Royal Cinema.

I.Complete the following conversations.


Tourist:    Excuse me. Can you (1)                  me the (2)                 to Ben Thanh Market?

      Hoa:         Ben Thanh Market? Go straight (3)                      . (4)                 the second turning (5)                     the right. Ben Thanh Market is on your left.

      Tourist:    Is there a post office near (6)                     ?

Hoa:         Oh, yes. It’s opposite (7)                 market.

Tourist:    Thank you very much.

Hoa:         You’re (8)                  .


Tourist:    Excuse me. Is (1)                  a restaurant near here?

Lan:          Oh, yes. But it’s not very near here. Turn right into Tran Phu Street. (2)                    the first turning (3)             the left. You will be on Nguyen Trai Street. The restaurant is (4)                    the end of the street.

Tourist:    That’s so far.

Lan:          (5)                   do you go there?

Tourist:    I walk.

      Lan:          You should go (6)                taxi.

Tourist:    Thank you. Bye.

Lan:          Not at all. Bye.

II.Peter is at * on the map. Fill in the gaps with the words or phrases in the box.


Peter        (1)                               . Where’s the post office?

Man          (2)                               this road and turn right. (3)                                    Green Road. The post office is (4)                                    , (5)                             the chemist’s.

      Peter        Thank you very much.

Man          You’re welcome.


      Peter        Excuse me. (6)                                  a supermarket (7)                ?

Woman    Yes, there is. Go along this road and (8)              . The supermarket is (9)                  , (10)                           the bank.

      Peter        Thanks a lot.

III.Complete the following short conversations.

Example: A: Life in the country is slower than the city life. (slow)

B: Yes, it is. The city life is much faster.

  1. A: The country is                              the city. (quiet)

B:        Yes, that’s true. The city is much                                 .

  1. A: The streets of New York are                             the streets of Paris. (quiet)

B:        No, they aren’t. They’re much                          .

  1. A: Paris is                              London. (big)

B:        B: No, it isn’t. It’s much                                     .

  1. A: The Underground in London is                                     the Metro in Paris. (good)

B:        No, it isn’t. The Underground is much                                    .

  1. A: The Ferrari is                               the Toyota. (fast)

B:        Yes, that’s true. The Ferrari is                          .


I.Read the following passage, and then answer the questions.

      London and Rome are the two old cities in Europe. Rome is older than London, it is about 800 years older than London. But London is bigger than Rome in area and population. In general, London is colder than Rome in winter and cooler than Rome in summer. Rome is wetter than London and nearer the sea than London.

Notes: -area            = diện tích

– in general = nhìn chung

– Europe      = châu Âu

  1. Which city is older?


  1. Which city is bigger in area and population?


  1. Is London hotter than Rome?


  1. Which city has got more rain?


  1. Which city is nearer the sea?


II.Read the conversations and write the letters of the correct building in the signs. You are at the cross (x) on the street.

Conversation 1:

Woman                Excuse me, where’s the post office?

Man                      Go straight ahead as far as the shopping centre. Then turn left. On the corner, there’s a large bank. The post office is next to the bank. T

Woman                Thank you.

Man                      You’re welcome.

Conversation 2:

      Boy                       Excuse me. Can you tell me where the Odeon Cinema is?

      Woman                The Odeon? Well, let me think. It’s on Hill Road.

      Boy                       How do I get there?

Woman                Go straight on, take the first turning on the left and go past the police station. Then there’s a small park in front of you. Go past the park and straight ahead and the cinema is next to the large music shop.

      Boy                       Thank you.

      Woman                Not at all.

Answers:                    : Post office.             : Cinema

III.Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following passage.

I live in a small village called Northville. There are about 2000 people here. I love the village (1)                it is very quiet and life is slow and easy. The village is always clean; people look (2)                        it with great care. The air is always clean, too. People are much friendlier here than in a city because everyone (3)                 the others, and if someone has a problem, there are always people who can help.

There are only a few things that I don’t like about Northville. One thing is that we have not got many things to do in the evening; we haven’t got (4)      cinemas or theaters. The other thing is that people always talk about (5)     , and everyone knows what everyone is doing. But I still prefer village life to life in a big city.

A. so                       B. although                      C. because                        D.but

A. for                      B. at                                  C. up                                  D.after

A. knows               B. know                            C. is knowing                   D.knew

A. little                   B. some                            C. any                                D. few

A. others                B. other                            C. another                         D. one another

IV. Read the passage, and then answer the questions.

Lan goes to Nha Trang with her family on holiday now. She stays at a hotel on the side of the beach. In the early morning, she goes to the sea and swims for an hour. Then she has breakfast in a canteen on the beach to enjoy fresh air in the morning. In the afternoon, she takes some photos of the sights. She is staying in Nha Trang for four days and takes of a lot of nice photos. She is buying some postcards and souvenirs for her friends. It is an enjoyable holiday because she has a lot of fun.

  1. Where does Lan go on holiday now?


  1. What does she do in the early morning?


  1. What does she do in the afternoon?


  1. How long is she staying in Nha Trang?


  1. Why is her holiday enjoyable?



I.Rearrange the words and phrases to make meaningful sentences.

  1. an/ pagoda/ village/ go/ old/ my/ has.


  1. railway-station/ not/ small/ a/ that/ town/ has/ got.


  1. one/ Mr. and Mrs. Brown/ only/ have/ car/ got.


  1. building/ school/new/ has got/ my/ a.


  1. many/ got/ city/ lakes/ that/ has/ beautiful.


  1. London/ parks/ has/ famous/ got/ many.


  1. any/ city/ museums/ your/ has/ got?


  1. art galleries/ not/town/ has/ got/ this/ any.


  1. buildings/ old/ got/ Hue/ pagodas/ and/ many/ has.


  1. a/ house/has/ got/ garage/ your?


II.Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Do not change the meaning of the sentences and do not change the form of the words given.

Example: Tom is taller than Mary. (SHORT)

                 Mary is shorter than Tom.

  1. The Central Post Office is bigger than this District Post office. (SMALL)


  1. The skyscraper is higher than our office building. (LOW)


  1. My neighbourhood is noisier than your neighbourhood. (QUIET)


  1. Alice is slimmer than Daisy. (FAT)


  1. The Riverview Hotel is cheaper than the Palace Hotel. (EXPENSIVE)


  1. A house in the city is more expensive than a house in the .


  1. The air in the city is more polluted than the air in the country. (FRESH)


  1. Life in the city is more interesting than life in a small village. (BORING)


III.Write sentences about the city tour of Ha Noi, using the words and phrases given.

  1. Ha Noi/ capital of Viet Nam. It/ history/ more than 1,000 years.


  1. First/ go/ President Ho Chi Minh’s Mausoleum/ see/ stilt house/ where/ he lived/ 1958/ 1969.


  1. Then/ go/ One-Pillar Pagoda. It/ a pagoda/ over the water/ middle/ a square lake.


  1. After that/ have a chance/ visit/ Tran Quoc Pagoda/ on the shore/ West Lake.


  1. Then/ have lunch/ restaurant/ the Old Quarter.


  1. Finally/ go/ Hoan Kiem Lake/ heart/ soul/ Ha Noi.


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