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Unit 4: Skills 1

 1. Read Khang's blog. Look at the words in the box then find them in the text and underline them. What do they mean?

[Kết nối tri thức và cuộc sống] Giải tiếng Anh 6

=> Answer:

- suburbs ( a) thuộc vùng ngoại ô

- dislike (n) Không thích

- Outdoor (a): ở ngoài trời

2. Read Khang’s blog again. Then answer the questions.

1. Where is Khang’s neighbourhood?

2. Why is his neighbourhood great for outdoor activities?

3, What are the people in his neighbourhood like?

4. How are the streets in his neighbourhood?

=> Answer :

1. He lives in the suburbs of Da Nang city

2. Because it has beautiful parks, sandy beaches and fine weather.

3. They are more friendly

4. The streets are busy and crowded

3. Read Khang's blog again and fill the table with the information.

- beautiful parks 

=> Answer: 


- Beautifiul parks

- sandy beaches

- fine weathers

- friendly people

- better food

- many modern buidlings and offices

- the street are busy anf crowded

Make notes about your neighbourhood. Think about what you like / dislike about it.


- Delicious and cheap food

- Nice and friendly people

- Bad weather

- Crowed people

- Polluted sea

5. Work in pairs. Ask and answer about what you like and dislike about your neighbourhood.


A: Where do you live?

B: I live in the suburbs of Da Nang City.

A: What do you like about it?

B: The weather is fine. The people are friendly and the food is good

A: What do you dislike about it?

B: The streets are busy and crowded.

Answer: Học sinh tự thực hành theo cặp trên lớp

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